Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 12, 2018

Same old morning stuff. When I got to work I was off desk for two hours so I did a bit of running around. I returned a couple books, took a couple books upstairs to be re-cataloged, refilled my DVD display, and refilled the large print Romance display even though it isn't mine this month because it was running super low. And then I weeded until I was on desk.

I was on desk for two hours and it was pretty quiet. I withdrew the books I pulled, caught up on emails and the news, answered phone calls, and talked to my coworkers.

When I got back from lunch I had an hour to read articles, send emails, and talk to my coworkers. Then I had a walkthrough followed by a meeting with the new PR lady. The point was to go over the design for the main tech page. I'm going to try a few different things and send her screenshots to get her opinion. We also talked briefly about better ways to promote my video game discussions (and the tech workshops in general).

I then weeded for the rest of the day. I made it about three-quarters of the way through the second row of books, which is around 170 pages into my 423 page list. I didn't pay attention last week but today I weeded fifty books. Not bad. It's nowhere close to what some of the other librarians will weed, but it's not bad.

When I got home I ate dinner and continued watching the eight-hour Neebs Gaming Subnautica video. Then I played a little Staxel before switching over to a little CoD: WW2. I finished the festival in Staxel, made a decent return on my cabbage, decorated the path going through my farm with lanterns, and did some other random things. CoD: WW2 wasn't too exciting but I did make it to level fifty-three.

And now it is midnight and I'm going to record my audio journal and go to bed. I close tomorrow so I'll get to sleep in a little bit. Hopefully.

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