Sunday, March 8, 2015

March 8, 2015

 Today was kind of a waste. I should have done so much more. Or anything, really, because I accomplished nothing. Something that will probably come back and bite me in the ass next weekend when I have two assignments due. I feel like maybe one or both of the assignments had their due dates pushed back but I can't remember. I'm going to act as if they haven't, however, because pushing them back will only interfere with other assignments and projects that are currently ongoing.

I did a bit of research for the various assignments but I didn't actually do anything to contribute to their final product. I wasted a couple hours tonight trying to file my state tax return. I accidentally found the site I used last year but it felt very truncated in the questions I had to answer and at the end of it all it said I owed almost fifty bucks, whereas the other two times I have gone through the process this year I was supposed to get money back. It comes down to the other two sites saying my taxable income was a few thousand less than the site I used tonight. I think it comes down to credits and deductions but they default ones on the site don't apply to me and their isn't an option to add other ones in. I've still got a month to figure it out.

The coming weeks are probably going to suck. My days will be filled with testing and my nights will be filled with school work. Time will fly, for better or worse. I imagine I will spend a lot of time doing nothing and feel bad about it.

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