Friday, March 20, 2015

March 19, 2015

 I forgot to mention yesterday that my audiobook screwed me over after Chipotle. I got back in my car to head home after picking up my food and my audiobook started itself over. I don't know how many hours I was into it because my car only goes to a certain number and then starts over again. And it takes for freaking ever to fast forward, which also involves me holding down the button the whole time. It has inspired me to chop the file into chapters instead of having the whole book in one single file. Probably should have thought of that genius idea at the beginning.

This morning I set my alarm and woke up at 8:30AM. I didn't actually get out of bed though. I spent the next half an hour, maybe forty-five minutes, maybe an hour, I don't know. I spent however long laying there and figuring out my instructional presentation. It was all a bit overwhelming when I was sitting at my computer with the PowerPoint and Word opened on one monitor and twenty tabs (no exaggeration) opened on the other monitor. I needed the separation. And it worked. I was able to get it all sorted out in my head.

I was able to come sit down at my computer and it didn't take me too long to rearrange things and add things so that it made a lot more sense and had a better flow than yesterday. I was still at a bit of a loss on how to end the presentation, give a tour of the website, and make my instructional handout. I messed around with the website some more, hoping something would come to me.

I started a new project on the site and used all my different email addresses to set up different accounts so I could populate the project with people and maybe make it look like a real project. That didn't really work out. I could occasionally get it to recognize the different versions of me but the majority of the time, no matter which address I used to log in, it showed up as my main account. So I eventually gave up on that.

Not long before dinner I had a revelation. Not only on how I could end the presentation part of my presentation, but also how I could show off the website. And at least some of what I could put in my handout. Shortly after that I also had an insight into my metadata group project, which I had started working on briefly after I took a break from the presentation.

After a break for dinner I got back to work. I roughly laid out a slide for my presentation and then spent a good bit of time writing out an outline for my group project. When I got that finished I posted it on the group page for my partner and then I called it a day. I accomplished enough today.

I spent the rest of my night watching the Neebs livestream and working on Twitch stuff. That stuff mainly consisted of making stuff in Gimp. I made donate and YouTube buttons, as well as the screen that shows when I'm offline and a screen I can put up if I need to do something on my computer while I am online. I'll probably never get to the actual streaming phase but working on all the setup stuff is a nice distraction from homework.

The best quote of the night from the Neebs stream was from Simon, who said “What is better than packing peanuts? The answer is not books.” This was in response to someone sending them a box full of books along with something breakable in the box. Which ended up breaking.

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