Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March 3, 2015

Three days into March already. This year is flying by, whether you want it to or not. Time seems to move faster the older I get. I don't like it.

Sometime in the future I want to record my screen while I type one of these journal entries, or type anything really, because I think it would be interesting to see a page of text come into being. I also do a lot of backspacing and I think that would be fun to watch. Maybe that makes me weird. And maybe that 'maybe' should be a probably.

Today I spent a lot of time editing the picture of the custodian I made earlier in the year when I transformed him into Evel Knievel. I had to use a small, old picture of him and now I want to put it in the yearbook so I want to use the larger picture of him from this year. That turned into a whole thing because I had to completely remake the picture, remembering how I did it in the first place as I went along. The greatest struggle involved the fact that his picture this year has a shadow on one side of his face, like the flash didn't go off on that side or something. My solution to get his face in the Knievel picture was to layer the two, with his on the bottom, and then erase most of the Knievel face, revealing the custodian. I also had to play with the size and perspective and whatever, but the shadow has been a pain in the butt. My solution for the moment has been to copy the side of his face that was lighted and flip it over and create on lighted face. This actually kind of works because it turns out his face is pretty symmetrical. I might end up changing my mind later but for now I'm going to go with it.

I helped out with literacy centers in both kindergarten classes this morning. The kids had to draw a neighborhood. Some got the concept quicker than most but it was a lot easier than trying to get them to understand a treasure that doesn't belong to a pirate but is in fact something of importance.

This morning we had a fire drill, which was a little chilly because the temperature was somewhere in the 40s. This afternoon we had a tornado drill because it was a statewide thing. It actually wasn't too bad. Not as hot or cramped as it has been in the past.

Tonight I finished reading one textbook chapter, leaving only two more to go for the week. Hopefully I can get on finished up tomorrow, maybe the next, and possibly save the last one (which is pretty short) for Sunday. We've got class this weekend for the class I usually have discussion posts in, so I don't have a discussion post for this week. And the chapters for my other class aren't connected to the group project so I don't have to worry about that. I do still need to focus on two assignments that are both due this month I think. Or at least one of them is. I should look into that.

Now it is just after ten o'clock and I'm going to call it a night. The last two nights have been a bit too late for a school night and I have been feeling it. I need my beauty sleep.

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