Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 30, 2013

This entry will probably be short because I didn't have much going on today and I've had a headache all day so I'm trying to avoid thinking too hard. Or rather, whenever I stop to think about things, I become distracted by my headache, so I'm trying to stay out of my head.

Anyway, today at work I finished reading my friend's book, Lark, and started reading Just A Geek by Wil Wheaton. I also worked on my cross stitch for a bit. I enjoyed my friend's book and it kind of reminded me of the Mortal Instruments books, minus the possible incest. It is always good to minus the incest in my opinion. Especially in fictional situations when you have complete control over whether or not incest is going to happen.

Tonight I played some more Half-Life. Still enjoying it but I called it a night when I got to a puzzle that stumped me. It looks like I need to power up a rocket to kill a three-tentacled monster below it, but I'm missing something and just keep going around in circles. I've turned on a giant fan and a generator, which gave me power, but it looks like I need to get the oxygen and fuel to the rocket. I can see the pipes but have no idea what to do. There is a lot less hand holding in old games. They definitely just drop you in the world and expect you to figure it out. I will probably end up looking it up online because I've been over everything several times now and I'm kind of over it.

Now I am watching YouTube videos and seriously thinking about eating some hint of salt Triscuits. Because they're delicious. The Triscuits. Not the YouTube videos. I need to watch more Netflix because I'm not paying for it and I don't think I watched anything this month. Not cool. Maybe tomorrow night. At least an episode of something.

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