Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 16, 2013

This will be a short entry because I am tired.

Today I watched DVRed stuff and played a little Battlefield 3. For the most part I sucked. In the few games of Air Superiority I played I probably amassed one kill and twenty deaths. I was a little more successful in Capture The Flag, even though I never managed to capture a flag. I did blow up a helicopter with an RPG though, so that was cool.

At work tonight I read books. I rotated between four books to keep things interesting and it worked for the most part. I did have to take a break around 11:30PM because I was falling asleep, and I used the opportunity to dust the projectors and bisel the carpet. This ended up working out and I was able to stay awake until 1:00AM when the last movie got out.

I think tomorrow I am going to try and sleep in and have a lazy day. Then maybe spend the rest of Spring Break getting up early and taking advantage of my days off. Maybe.

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