Tuesday, January 16, 2018

January 16, 2018

 Last night I got eight and a half hours of sleep and there's a possibility it was the best night of sleep I've ever had. I had a couple long dreams, that I instantly forgot, but I remember I had them and that they were nice. It would be nice if I could recreate whatever conditions led to last night.

When I got up I ran on the elliptical for sixteen minutes, got ready, ate lunch, and headed to work. I checked my email, had a walkthrough, and then I pulled books for both my displays, just to top them off.

We had our first tech drop-in of the semester today and one person showed up. They showed up an hour and forty-five minutes into the two hour drop-in, and then just wanted to create a new email address. So I clicked on the link she needed, she did all the work, and then thanked us. The volunteer and I spent the rest of the time talking about video games because we both are a little addicted to Steam. It was good times.

On my way back from dinner there was a bit of an incident on the highway. The cops were directing cars on that side of the highway to the off ramp because there was a man sitting on the railing of the bridge. There was an ambulance parked back by the off ramp and a couple cops standing on the bridge talking to the guy. It was interesting. I also question the thought process because it is right next to the police station and it's not a high bridge, so it's definitely more a cry for help because I would say you're more likely to end up with life-long injuries rather than life-ending injuries. I'll have to check the news tomorrow but I am hoping for a happy ending, or no mention of it at all, which I think would be even better.

When I got back from dinner I was on desk for two hours. I was able to update my homebound spreadsheets, which was my main goal. I also made updated extension lists and put those on the phones at the desk to reflect the new PR person, because that was annoying me.

I made a short personalized reading list tonight with just five books, so that went quick. A week or however long ago I made a personalized reading list that went over really well and the person posted about it on Facebook, which most likely lead to the flood or requests we got shortly after. One person responded to the post saying their list from a year and a half ago, had been really bad. My boss is friends with the original poster so she saw that negative response and responded to her, asking if she would like use to send her a few recommendations and if she liked them we could create a full list for her. She agreed and I didn't want to do anything else tonight so I made the list. I pulled out her old request and it was tricky because she listed a bunch of stuff that she liked, which was helpful, but then she said she wanted light and uplifting stuff without any death or tragedy. This countered most of the books she listed as liking. It's also surprising how many books involve death or tragedy in some form or another, something you may not realize until you're looking for a book that doesn't have any of that stuff. They're certainly out there, but some of the best, most uplifting books, come from tragedy. But I made the list, sent it off, and we'll see what she thinks of it.

We got another phone call from the patron with questions about corporal punishment and spanking tonight. The assistant answered the phone, realized it was him, and then put him on hold. I picked up the phone and asked if I could help him, there was some stuttering, and then silence. I asked a couple more times if I help him and after no further response I hung up. So we'll see what happens now.

When I got home I clicked around the internet and fell down a rabbit hole of YouTube videos with indie (maybe?) face-tattooed rappers, in the same vein of Lil Peep, and it went downhill from there, ending with a fifteen minute rant by Paul Wall about sipping syrup. YouTube is an interesting place.

But now it is late and I have to open in the morning, so I'm going to ramble in my audio journal for awhile and then go to bed.

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