Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May 24, 2017

I technically got to sleep in this morning but I went to bed late, so that was canceled out. But I made it through the day just fine, except for the last few hours when the lack of sleep set it.

At work I mostly just worked on my presentations and helped the occasional patron. The summer reading presentation is happening first so I spent most of my time on that. And I finished it. I covered summer reading, some of our readers advisory resources, and mentioned the times that the other librarians will stop by throughout the summer. And I just heard from one of the librarians with an idea for showing pictures of the new large print area. A solid idea, so it looks like I'm not quite finished with the presentation.

I changed the title slide on my staff meeting presentation. I rearranged all the minced oaths, which left room for several more and it took me awhile to find those. And to arrange them in just the right way so it looked right and took up all the space. I think it looks a lot better than the original version. As for the rest of the presentation, I still need to add in the hate speech stuff. I added in the Orbitz commercial but I might try to add in a bit more levity to make up for the heavier topics.

I saw two of the people I used to work with at the school because there was an all-day meeting for teachers at the library. Seemed a little weird considering it was the last full day of school but they didn't appear to be classroom teachers. At least the ones I knew were resource teachers, and that stuff wouldn't be happening today. My Mom said a lot of classes just watched movies and had parties.

And we will say that was my day at work. It was fairly quiet.

After work I went to Qdoba and then to my Mom's house. We ate, watched YouTube videos, and talked until about nine o'clock when I came home. It was a pretty good night.

And now, audio journal time, because I'm freaking tired.

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