Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 21, 2014

I slept in late and then spent the rest of my morning and a portion of my afternoon writing the annotations for my bibliographies. I hated summarizing and writing abstracts in college and my feelings have not changed. I'm not a fan. But I got the job done and I think it turned out well. Hopefully I wasn't completely wrong. I just submitted it and now I'm feeling a bit anxious. School is real.

Tonight I went over to my grandma's house for another family meeting. My grandma and aunt were in town this weekend and my grandma's sister and her daughter came over. We weren't really invited. They went through a stuff and took some things. This bothered my sister because they were going through kitchen stuff and it was supposed to be my aunt taking stuff and then my sister. Things are still so up in the air though. There is an attempt at a game plan but everyone just seems to be winging it. Or flip flopping to use a political term, because why not. I just want it to all be settled so we can go back to the new normal. It would be nice if the family up here, the one that spent the most time with my grandma and has done the most for her, could at least feel a little more in the loop. It feels like everyone is kind of picking over stuff and then whatever they don't want is going to go into the auction. Like we don't exist. I made a joke tonight that they can take what they want and we'll just show up at the auction and buy what we want. I obviously want my grandma to have all the stuff she wants because it is all her stuff. But if there is stuff that someone in the family wants and it ends up in an auction because we are kind of being forgotten in the stress of everything, I'll be a little annoyed and disappointed.

My dad said they would be coming up again sometime soon to look at Christmas stuff. That makes me a tad nervous because back when we were told to go through and take whatever we wanted in the house, I went through the Christmas stuff and pulled out all the Santas that my grandma and grandpa made. I put them in bags but ended up bringing them back when the rules changed and we weren't supposed to take anything. They were on the kitchen table and on one of the visits it was decided that whatever was on the table could be taken. So my sister brought me the Santas. And now I have all of them and I'm thinking that maybe I should have only taken a few that I wanted. When I originally pulled them all out it was mostly out of fear that they were going to be sold in the auction because that was back when whatever wasn't taken was going to be sold. Now it is kind of back to that but not quite as severe. Sort of. Anyway, it will probably become fairly obvious that all the painted Santas are gone and that will be awkward. But whatever, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Regardless of what happens, my grandma sold the house this weekend, so time is getting short. Things are going to start happening at an accelerated place whether people want them to or not.

I feel like a lot of that stuff was a bit rambly but I'm not going to read back over it because it is after ten o'clock and I need to get back to the new house so I can go to bed. This coming week will see the end of MAP testing until Winter and will also hopefully see me writing my reflective journal over the readings for one of my classes. I heard back from the middle school librarian I emailed and found out she has a degree in elementary education with a certification or something as a librarian, so she won't work for the interview. But she did recommend a high school librarian so I will try them maybe if I don't hear back from the university librarian. Or if I don't try the other university librarian that I talked to a few years ago. I'm going to stop typing now because time is still passing.

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