Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 27, 2017

 This morning started the same as most and then I went to work. I had two free hours and then walkthroughs, so I spent most of the morning upstairs. The convention outreach was accepted by the assistant director today so I'll be going to that on Saturday. I confirmed the details with the lady I spoke with last weekend and I'll be there for three hours in the afternoon. I think the leftover potatoes will still be good which means I won't need to buy new ones. I just need to modify the cardboard controller I made so hopefully it is more playable. I'm also tempted to take my own laptop so we can try some steam games and I won't have to install them on the work laptop. We'll see.

Throughout the day I worked on my article off and on. I made progress. I'm very close. Well, maybe not very close, but certainly close. I think I can finish up my current paragraph and then knock out a conclusion and I'll be good. Or at least good to edit it.

And I kind of feel like that way my day at work today. It was a quiet day that really flew by. I also got off an hour early because of the weekend thing. I'm also getting off early tomorrow and I'm going to take a two hour lunch on Friday. I'm looking forward to the two hour lunch.

Oh, I also registered for the conference next month. I got the okay either earlier this week or sometime last week but I couldn't register because I couldn't reset my password. I could have signed up as a non-member but it would have cost the library and extra fifteen bucks and I have already paid for my association membership so I might as well get the one perk out of it. Today I heard back about the email I sent when I couldn't reset my password and a couple emails later, I got that sorted out. And now I'm registered for the conference. The only thing left is to figure out what I'm actually going to say during my presentation. That's kind of an important thing to figure out.

After work I picked up Qdoba and headed to my Mom's house for dinner. The food was alright but it was in the weird space of being too little to split in half but being too much to eat in one meal. So I ate it all in one meal and ate fewer chips. My interest in Qdoba is waning. After eating we watched videos and talked for awhile and then I headed home around 7:30PM.

I am now in the middle of watching YouTube videos. It's only nine o'clock so I think I'm going to record my audio journal and then play Terraria for a little bit. Not a bad way to end the day.

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