Tuesday, September 19, 2017

September 19, 2017

 This morning I woke up at eight o'clock and I think I slept fairly well last night. I can't remember either way, so it couldn't have been that bad. With my time before work I did things. I couldn't tell you what, but time passed, as it does, and eventually it was time for me to go to work.

I had two walkthroughs when I got to work, one at noon and one at 12:30PM, but I managed to pull books for my last patron before I was on desk at one o'clock. I also put up a whiteboard in the atrium advertising our drop-in.

We had one person show up for the drop-in, and she was early, so we hit the ground running. She had several questions about her iPhone and iPad and I think I was able to answer all of them to her satisfaction. We also briefly went over our ebook resources. So it went well.

When she left I left the other librarian in the room in case anyone else showed up (but they didn't) and I went to hang up a poster in the lobby about the adulting class tonight. We then spent the rest of the drop-in time trying to figure out the schedule for the rest of the week. The faire this weekend is really throwing a wrench in things. For a brief period today it looked like we would have to get there at eight o'clock because that is when the electrician would be there to get our electricity needs set up. So we would need to get there an hour and a half earlier than we had planned on so an electrician could plug in our extension cord. It seemed a little ridiculous but I understand why large events need to be highly organized. We figured out that I could do it but I would need to lose two hours next week to make up for it. But then the head of youth services said that she could go early. So all is well. For now.

After the drop-in I went to dinner and when I got back I was on desk for an hour. And then I started setting up for the event tonight. We didn't have any ice in the entire building so I ended up getting the lemonade and water ready and then putting it in the refrigerator for awhile. I don't think it helped but it's the thought that counts. We ended up only having four attendees. One of the registered people didn't show but the assistant manager of circulation was off tonight and she came, so we're counting it. The presentation itself was really good. The two librarians had given the presentation several times before, so they had their stuff together, and they had updated their news sources as recently as this afternoon. I was impressed and really appreciated them coming to present. This is the class I was looking forward to the most and I only wish more people had come because I think it is one of the most important classes.

We talked for a little bit after the class and then I rushed around to get everything picked up. And I managed it with about five minutes to spare before we closed, so not bad.

On my way home I stopped by the grocery store to pick up the stuff I need to make brown rice and broccoli cheddar cakes. I don't know if that actually sounds appetizing without a picture accompanying it, but I thought it had some potential, so I'm going to give it a shot. I also used the self-checkout for the first time since my sister took me grocery shopping for the first time. I keep avoiding it because of all the produce I get, but they really do make it simple, so I might need to try it more often when there are lines at the regular checkouts.

When I got home there were two cars in my neighbors driveway. I can't tell if it has been sold of if these are the previous neighbors or new realtors trying to fix things up to put it back on the market. I think the last realtors sign went down after their contract ran out because there was never a sold sign added to it. I also don' t know if either of the cars I saw tonight were the same as the ones I saw the weekend before last. New neighbors are inevitable, but I have enjoyed not having to worry about how loud my music is.

After I put my groceries away I watched a few YouTube videos and ate a snack. And now I'm writing this. I have already missed my eleven o'clock bedtime. Now we're shooting for midnight. We'll see how long I ramble in my audio journal.

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