Friday, April 7, 2017

April 7, 2017

 This morning I woke up, got ready, made my lunch and dinner (which were the same thing), ate a quick breakfast, and headed to the coffee shop to meet my practicum supervisor. I got there and didn't see her so I sat at a table and waited. While I waited I wrote down my ideas for improving our personalized reading list form. I'm not the librarian in charge of that but I have a vested interest because I have to deal with people who submit personalized reading list requests. So when I have ideas I pass them along.

By 9:20AM my former practicum supervisor still wasn't there so I sent her a text. She didn't respond (because she recently had to reset her phone) but she did show up a few minutes later. She had apparently almost gotten to the coffee shop and realized she had forgotten her laptop so she went back to get it. To be fair, she sent me an email to let me know, I just didn't think to check my email. And I got some good ideas written down while I waited.

The meeting itself lasted about thirty minutes and it went well. We figured out the basic outline of the presentation and we're going to work on our parts and meet again in a couple weeks to do a dry run and hope everything goes well because the conference is in three weeks. I'm not that worried about it, which is kind of weird, but maybe I'll start to feel it when it gets closer.

The only thing I didn't like was that I was in the coffee shop for an hour and for the rest of the day I smelled like a coffee shop. Coffee shops stink. It would be sweet if they smelled like coffee beans but they don't.

After the meeting I went to my Mom's house to eat my 10:00AM lunch and watch Star Trek: Next Generation. Eating lunch at 10:00AM always sucks but Star Trek is always good times. The Ferengi are ridiculous.

When I got to work I was on desk for two hours and I filled that time completely but can't remember everything I did. One of the things that came up during my meeting with my former practicum supervisor was the adulting series we're doing at the library next Fall. I had mentioned it the first time we met and she told me that there were some librarians at her library that were interested in promoting it and possibly collaborating. So I sent her the schedule as it is now and our ideas for the Spring semester. We've got a pretty good relationship with the university library and we're always trying to have more collaboration with them and the community as a whole so hopefully this works out.

I had enough time off desk that I was able to finish shifting all of the oversized books. Good grief. Some of them are just so big. So unnecessarily big. I went with my plan of starting at the end and working my way back, which worked out much better. Throughout I found a lot of random books out of order, which is annoying, but at least for the time being they're all in order. And they look so much better in this new arrangement. I was also pretty much spot on with my math. I ended up about an inch off, which is one book, but it's not obvious unless you get a ruler out, so I'm pretty happy with it.

When I go to my Mom's house for dinner (at 4:00PM) I take an off ramp to get to her house. On the other side of the road that crosses over the highway, about a half a mile or so past it, there was some sort of big accident. I couldn't see what was happening but there were a lot of emergency vehicles. When I was going back to work the cars headed in that direction were backed up past the off ramp. It was kind of crazy. I also got behind a cop who was a frequently a fan of driving five miles under the speed limit. Not cool, cop.

I refilled my DVD display a few times today. The display is on a little, three-shelf cart. Typically there are three DVDs displayed on the top shelf, two on the middle, two on the bottom, and then a row of five or six DVDs on the middle and bottom shelves. I've been going with rows of eight when I refill it but I'm still having to do it twice a day. So tonight I got rid of one of the displayed DVDs on the top shelf and replaced it with another row of eight DVDs. My hope is that it will last the weekend.

I spent a decent portion of my night looking up Twinery resources because that class is happening next week. No one is signed up yet, and I don't know that anyone will, but I need to have something just in case. I'm still not entirely sure how I want to present it. Should I do a more in-depth instructional beginning before letting people dive in or do I just walk them through getting into Twinery, let them start creating, and answer questions as they come up? I'll figure it out.

I came across a couple pretty cool games built using Twinery and ended up playing those for a little while. Purely for research purposes. One of them involved having a pet that was only alive for sixty seconds, with an actual timer. The other was a space game that had stats for the ship and crew, and randomly generated planets and other text. I was really impressed.

When I got home it was still kind of light outside so I took the opportunity to pull the weeds out of the middle of my driveway. I left two in the little rock area near my garage door because I couldn't tell if they were weeds or not. I'm almost certain they are but I couldn't see in the low light so I left them. I need a second opinion.

After that I ate a bowl of Raisin Bran and I had a piece of cornbread with mustard, because I still have cornbread. I then watched a bunch of YouTube videos and clicked around the internet. And now I need to record my audio journal so I can go to bed.

I need to get over to my Mom's house at a decent time to do laundry tomorrow because I am having a movie and pizza night with two of the librarians I work with. We're going to watch Easy A, which I haven't seen in quite awhile so I'm looking forward to it.   

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