Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 5, 2016

 This morning I parallel parked perfectly. I was a little worried that meant I was early for work because the last time I parallel parked perfectly I was an hour and a half early. Thankfully that was not the case this time. I just had a lucky parking job.

I spent the first part of my day finishing my self-evaluation for my upcoming sixth-month evaluation, finished inputting all the statistics for November that I keep track of, and I started watching the video on project management that we were tasked with watching for the next departmental meeting. A productive morning.

This afternoon I did things, I'm almost certain of it. I found some Christmas-themed books to add to the Staff Picks display for this month. I was also on desk for a couple hours. I helped patrons in person with printing, frozen computers, and finding books. I helped patrons online with placing books on hold, searching the catalog, and answering questions. I also started looking at tutorials for the room reservation program we use because apparently another employee and myself are supposed to do something with that by the middle of the month. It was briefly mentioned a month or so ago by my boss but not since and I kind of forgot about it. And I've never heard from the other employee. She works in Children's and I've seen her but we've never actually spoken. After watching some of the tutorial videos I'm not really sure what my boss wants. The videos are pretty straight forward so it seems like just having a list of the more pertinent videos that employees should watch would be enough. I'll have to talk to my boss about it.

On my way home I stopped by Target to get bread and some other things. At some point I'll venture into a real grocery store but not yet. I don't know if it is the projected snow on Wednesday or what but there seemed to be a run on the bread supply at Target. The only non-fancy bread left was a couple loaves of Bimbo bread. Never even heard of it but for some reason it reminded me of Wonder Bread. Hopefully it's good.

Tonight I read a little bit, watched YouTube videos, played Terraria, and watched the final three episodes of Westworld. I'm a fan. There were a lot of twists and turns and I won't say I picked up on all of them, or even most of them, but my favorite involved how they played with time, having the viewer make assumptions about the past, present, and future. I did not see that one coming, mainly when it pertained to certain characters. Or rather, character.

Now I'm going to go to bed because I'm freaking tired. I ended up getting to switch shifts with another librarian so I am closing tomorrow night and I have Thursday night off. That means I get to sleep in a little bit. Hooray.

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