Friday, December 16, 2016

December 15, 2016

 This morning I woke up early so I could go get a haircut. When I got home I had quite awhile before I needed to go to work so I watched YouTube videos and crocheted. It was a decent beginning to my day, minus the waking up early part.

Today was an odd day at work. It felt like it should have been a Friday (although it was kind of like my Friday because I don't work tomorrow). Most of my day was spent working on a spreadsheet to keep track of the books that are delivered to various places around town. Previously the stats were tracked by typing in the date and the number of books delivered into a Word document. And not even a table in a Word document, just an ever-growing list.

I created a spreadsheet that breaks everything down by month and year, and separates adult and childrens books. There are also totals all over the place. I have totals for each location by month and year, as well as totals for all the locations combined by month and year, and the overall total for the entire program. The totals are all based on equations, so they automatically fill in, and set it up to go through 2030, which should be way longer than necessary.

And I did some other things. Probably. A creepy drunk guy hit on a teenager, who called her mom, who called us, and eventually came to the library. My boss and the librarian who thought she had seen the guy the girl described went to find the guy but he had already left. An incident report was written and it turns out the guy may have a history of being drunk and flirty. Sounds like a great guy. The mom was worried about the whole thing but appreciate our efforts. She ended up staying at the library for awhile because her daughter went to a teen event and I ended up helping her find books, so I got to be a librarian for a little while today.

Nothing else is coming to mind about my day.

On my way home I stopped at the store to by food. For dinner tonight I had my leftover Chipotle. It was a pleasant surprise because I had forgotten all about it. After dinner I watched Chipotle videos and crocheted. I finished the body of the bear (which is already connected to the head), both ears, and the muzzle. Tomorrow I can hopefully finish the arms and legs, and then get everything sewed together. I am excited to see how it turns out.

Now I'm going to finish an episode of Bob's Burgers and then go to bed. It's going to be really tempting to sleep in but I also want to get up early enough that I get to experience more of my day off. We'll see which desire wins.

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