Monday, August 15, 2016

August 15, 2016

 Today went by really fast. I woke up early to go get a haircut. One that I remembered to go to, which is always a plus. When I got home from that I spent a little time creating an answer sheet to the practicum scavenger hunt. I made one for the original scavenger hunt I made but now I'm making one for the shorter final version. I nearly finished it but then I moved on to scanning a few things for my grandma.

I made a little progress with the scanning but then I got a text from my sister saying my aunt and grandma wanted to meet for lunch at noon. So about fifteen minutes later I headed to Panera. My grandma had a doctors appointment at 12:45PM and by the time we got our food they had about ten minutes to eat before they had to leave. My sister and I finished up our lunch and then parted ways.

Maybe a half and hour after I got home, probably less, I got a text from my sister saying my aunt and grandma were waiting at my Dad's house for him to get home. So I headed over there. My grandma had wanted me to find information about the genealogy of her side of the family in one of the boxes I have from one of her cedar chests. I found it but hadn't had time to talk to her about it at lunch so that is what we did at my Dad's. One of her relatives has started doing genealogy stuff and contacted my grandma because she has a copy of a map of the Montana homestead that this relatives grandfather (I think) lived on. So I'm going to scan the map, which I found, and send that to my grandma, along with some of the family tree stuff and death certificate that I found.

After we went through all that we sat around and talked until about 4:30PM when my aunt and grandma had to leave. My dad hadn't had time to eat lunch and because he is diabetic, that screwed him up. It was to the point where even he was scared about it and didn't know that he could make it up to the kitchen so my sister went up and got him some trail mix and we stayed around and talked for another hour until he was feeling better.

Tonight I did laundry, which I had been a little worried about earlier in the day because there was a bit of a water issue in town. It started with us needing to conserve water due to a power outage at the water plant and then turned into a need to boil water just in case the lack of water pressure caused issues with the chlorine and stuff. I don't know. By the end of the day all but one of the water towers were back up to their normal levels. The one that wasn't is in the rich part of town, which is also the area that was affected the most by the water situation, losing all water at one point. This could be that it is the farthest tower from the plant or because they didn't listen to water conservation warnings and left their sprinklers on and wasted water in other ways. The latter is a more amusing scenario. But we were good this evening so I was able to do laundry.

I wanted to play No Man's Sky tonight but it was super laggy. Like slow-mo laggy so it felt like I was trying to walk through quicksand. And I was on a space station, so it wasn't like there was a bunch of game assets to load. I ended up making money on the space station for a little bit but couldn't go out and actually land on a new planet because that would have been awful. Nothing changed on my end so I don't know if there was some update or something happening on the developer's end that caused the game to suck tonight but it was disappointing. Just to make sure I have continued to try running the game on my desktop but that is still broken, so no fixes have happened there yet. I should just be glad that I have been able to play the game at all when there are plenty of people who haven't.

Tomorrow is the first day of school and it feels a little weird that I won't be going back to work at the school. I still don't think it has entirely hit me yet. It still kind of just feels like a summer job at the library. Maybe it'll never hit me. I think I would prefer that because it was pretty sad at the end of last year knowing I wouldn't be coming back. Tomorrow I will just need to focus on work. If I can find something to do.

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