Wednesday, August 10, 2016

August 10, 2016

My days seem to be blending together at work. It is hard to differentiate between them. Today I continued working on my homebound book lists and I got started on my second-to-last patron. I took a break from looking for books to dig out the forms each patron originally filled out that listed what types of books they like. Some are more detailed than others but I added all the information to the Excel spreadsheet where we keep track of all the books we have taken them. Previously I have mostly looked at the books they have been given and trying to find similar ones, especially if the patron made a note saying they liked the book. This was a bit hard and pretty time consuming. I hope my new method makes things a bit easier. I've only used it for one patron so far but it did seem to speed up the process and gave me a little more to work with rather than just staring at a giant list of books in a spreadsheet.

I helped patrons throughout the day at the library. I helped one lady print a bunch of pictures by first downloading them, extracting them, and putting them into a Word document so we could get two on a page. I helped a mom and daughter download and extract their pictures so they could view them as a slideshow, rather than one at a time. I also showed a woman where are books on glassware are. And I think that is it. Or at least all that I remember.

This afternoon we had our departmental meeting. Before the meeting two of the librarian's from the children's side of the library came over to cover the reference desk so we gave them a brief tour of where things are and what they might have to do. I think the one thing we didn't point out were the ceiling fan controls, and the first person that came to the desk after the meeting started asked about turning the ceiling fans on. Live and learn.

The meeting went well. It started with the head of technical services talking to us about weeding and the upcoming weeding of the non-fiction section. The fiction section I think is fully weeded now of all the old duplicates, which I believe she said decreased our collection by around 7,000 books. The goal is to go even further because she doesn't want books on the top shelf where people can't reach or the bottom shelf where no one wants to look. A smaller collection will also allow us to put shorter shelves in the middle of the fiction section which won't block the back windows, which the current tall shelves do block. One of the goals with the weeding of the non-fiction is to get rid of a shelf or two in order to open up more space for tables and seating because there is never enough room for that. We were given the sections each of us is supposed to weed and we have quite awhile to work our way through those. Some people really love weeding but I don't think I will be one of those people. I will most likely be a conservative weeder, which is okay because it will offset the eager weeders.

We were apparently supposed to talk about the reference interview webinars we watched or articles we read, not just post our notes on the staff blog. Whoops. Three of us forgot to bring our notes because I don't think any of us realized we would be talking about it in the meeting. The other two winged it but I quickly pulled up the blog on my phone so I could read bits out of my notes.

Other things happened in the meeting but I'm losing interest talking about it and I'm tired. So let's move on.

The meeting ended shortly before five o'clock. I was scheduled until six o'clock but planned on leaving at five o'clock because this Saturday I will be working nine and a half hours and need to lose an hour and a half this week. I got a half hour yesterday and an hour today, so I'm good now. Right before I left my practicum supervisor came up to the desk with one of her coworkers, who actually graduated from the same program I did, I think a year before me, maybe six months. We chatted for a little bit and then I headed out.

I stopped briefly to mail a bill and then headed to Chipotle. My bowl was good but not amazing. I fear I am getting into a Chipotle rut and probably need to change up my order again. When I was done eating I started showing YouTube videos. It's been two or three weeks so there is quite the backlog. I had other things to do tonight so we didn't watch them all but we got a start.

I planned on spending my night quickly remaking the scavenger hunt app using the new email account my practicum supervisor set up, and then taking the rest of the night to grade assessment responses. This changed however when I got downstairs and checked my phone. I missed a call from my grandma and she left a voicemail saying a family member was doing genealogy stuff and my grandma thought she had a map of where some of her relatives had lived in Montana. I spent the next however long working my way through the stack of boxes I have of the stuff that was in one of her cedar chests. I found the map in the very bottom of the box on the bottom of the stack. I had actually almost given up because I didn't see anything map-like, but then kept digging in the bottom of the last box out of curiosity. Good thing I did. I also found some other genealogy stuff, which may be of use.

After I found the map I called my grandma back. She was glad I found the map and said she also thought there might be a death certificate and a wedding certificate in the boxes. I'm pretty sure I came across both but that I didn't think much of them and put them back in the boxes. The boxes which I had already packed back up in my closest because as I went through the boxes originally I had stacked them up in front of the door to the closest and was unable to get out without putting the boxes back. My grandma and aunt are coming to town on Monday so at some point over the weekend I will need to go back through the boxes and find those documents as well.

That whole process took awhile, some of it my own fault because I got distracted by looking at old pictures and documents. I love that sort of stuff, especially when it is family stuff. At some point I would like to work in a museum or archive.

When I was done with that I started working on the app. That took longer than expected, mainly because I got caught up in the potential cost of the app. It's free for personal use but other than that it is a dollar per user. I'm not sure how it keeps track of that if you don't require users to log into the app but maybe they have their ways. The app will really only be for a pilot program, not some commercial enterprise, so I don't think money needs to be involved. I let my practicum supervisor know about this and also offered up alternative survey programs that might be free. We'll see what happens.

That whole process took me past ten o'clock, which didn't really leave any time to grade assessment responses. Dang it. My goal was to grade forty-five responses tonight and I graded zero. Now my goal is to wake up much earlier than I want to tomorrow morning so I can hopefully get a decent amount done before I have to go to work.

And it is nearly midnight so I'm going to go to bed so I can at least get a little bit of sleep before I have to wake up.

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