Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2, 2016

 This morning we figured out that the teachers who are wanting to test on the iPads don't actually have the ability to start a test session. I remember during Winter testing one of the SPED teachers had to email the lady in charge of testing and get a higher level of access so she could administer tests and wouldn't have to rely on me. I thought by default teachers would already have that higher level of access but apparently not.

The first test of the morning was fourth grade, one class in the lab and the other in their room on the iPads. I had to add the iPad class into the session for the class in the lab, give the name and password to the teacher upstairs, and then frequently refresh the testing page at the beginning of the test so I could catch all the iPad kids who were waiting for me to confirm their test. It was a bit of a hassle and it was annoying that I had both classes going on my list, not being able to easily see what question the kids in the lab were on.

It became more of a nuisance, at least for one fifth grader this afternoon, because his iPad kept kicking him out. He had to come down twice to get me to restart his test. After the first time I tried to keep an eye on it that didn't help because even when he got kicked out it still showed him as testing on my screen. I had to suspend his test, choose to retest him, turn off guided access on the iPad to get him out of the browser window, sign him back in, turn guided access on, and confirm his test. I have no idea what the problem was but hopefully tomorrow no one picks that iPad.

There were supposed to be two tests this morning in the lab but sixth grade couldn't come down, which was fine with me. There was one test this afternoon and I had one class in the lab before that test started, and the math enrichment teacher brought a sixth grade class down after the test. Other than that I had the day to myself.

I finished editing the pictures I took last week of the new kids and got them added to the yearbook. I had to tweak a couple of them because they didn't quite look right size-wise next to all the other portraits, but I eventually ended up with something that worked. I also sent a bunch of new pictures to the mom who I do the yearbook with for her to look through and edit for the candid pages. I think the goal is still to have it done by Wednesday. Lofty considering the only thing done are the class pages I have made.

I emailed the professor from the resume workshop this weekend to see if she could critique my resume when she has time because it didn't really get that this week, and she said she'd be happy to, so I sent it to her. The resume is what gets you an interview and if the resume sucks it's gonna be hard to get to the interview. I know my resume isn't that great at the moment, which is why I went to the workshop, but I have faith that this professor will get me pointed in the right direction.

After work I went to the public library to volunteer. The only thing I accomplished was making a sign out sheet for the laptop that I use when I'm there. We went down to get it and they were still using just a blank piece of paper so I asked the PR lady if she wanted me to make something better. So I did. After I finished that we got distracted by talking. We talked about a bunch of things, one of which was my new fountain pen and penmanship obsession. And she ended up giving me two small bottles of ink that she got years ago in Italy. She said that ever since she got them she never knew what to do with them and was just holding onto them for the right moment. She said it was meant to be. That is pretty cool. I told her that once my penmanship improves I would write her a Thank You note with the ink.

When I got home I had a package from Goulet Pens. I got the special edition orange Lamy Al-Star with a matching orange Filofax notebook, and two different sizes of Clairefontaine French-ruled notebooks. Those notebooks come in assorted colors and you don't get to pick which color but both of mine were green, which is the color I wanted. They're perfect. Something else perfect is the French-ruled template I made. The sizing of the spacing and everything is spot-on. If anything it is slightly better than the real thing just because the lines are thinner. It's good to know that in the future, if I wanted to, I could print out my own French-ruled paper.

I didn't accomplish anything tonight. Even though it is the last week of class I decided to take the night off and clear my head. I just needed a break, a step back from the group project and everything else. I might regret that when I am spending my birthday trying to write reflection papers and whatever else, but I think the night off was good for my stress level and my sanity. I spent the night watching/listening to YouTube videos and looking at fountain pen stuff. It was nice. It'll be back to the grindstone tomorrow. Hopefully my group members will get me their presentation slides. That would be courteous of them.

Now it is bed time. Tomorrow there should be three tests in the lab. Hooray.

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