Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 26, 2013

Yesterday morning there was thunder around five o'clock that was so close it sounded like explosions. The only time I have heard it louder was on a campout when it hit so close that the lightning was like a flash grenade and the thunder was instantaneous and deafening.

Another story that I forgot about. There is a kid at work in a wheelchair and he takes a biking/walking trail to get to work. Apparently he is usually fifteen minutes early but the other day he was only a minute early. His excuse was that he was speeding down the trail when he saw a mulberry bush and stopped to pick some berries. Best excuse ever for only being one minute early.

Today at work I did the same thing as yesterday. Doctor Who and cross stitch. I made it to the last side of the last border on my cross stitch. Tomorrow I should be able to finish that and start the letters if I'm still in the mood. I'll be at work for about nine hours so I'll have plenty of time. I would like to do some more reading though. We'll see where the day takes me.

Chipotle was good tonight. I have become accustomed to the medium salsa but it still tastes good. Definitely a good thing when it is something I eat once a week. After dinner I continued watching Battlestar Galactica. I'm a few episodes away from the finale but I probably won't make it there tonight. Not unless I want to be up way later than I should be. I think I have liked and hated every character on the show. I hate their guts and then they do something good so I start to like them, until they start to suck again. Or vice-versa. The show is an emotional roller coaster. I'll be glad when I have finished it though. As long as the ending is decent. Thanks to my massive marathon sessions I have exceeded the internet bandwidth for the month. I'm not exactly sure how far over I can go before bad things happen but I guess we'll find out.

Along the same lines, I have been watching so much Doctor Who that I want to say “oy” and other British things. And I have been watching so much Battlestar Galactica that I have been saying “frak” and “gods damnit” in my head. Hopefully all of that will stay in my head because it would sound weird if I actually said it out loud. 

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