Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 8, 2015

Today went by really fast. When I woke up I read a couple more chapters in my HTML book. I worked very briefly on my website. Very briefly. I added one image to my page, I need to find two more and add the appropriate citations and attributions. I would like to get that done tomorrow and maybe start working on the entry for each thing. I also want to layout the basic code for the other two pages just so I can finish the links I have on the first page that will link to those pages.

I found out shortly after noon that I had a haircut scheduled for noon. I think that makes the second time I have forgotten my haircut. I kind of remembered near the end of last week but had obviously completely forgotten by today, which I think makes the second time I have forgotten. At least in the last several months. I have such a skewed sense of the days of the week during the summer when I'm not at work Monday through Friday. Thankfully she had an opening at 4:30PM this afternoon so I was able to get my haircut today. She told me when I got there that this morning she thought about texting me and acting like a smartass by making sure I remembered my appointment. Turns out she should have got the smartass route.

After dinner I went and hung out with my friend. It has been quite awhile since we've been able to hang out and we want to finish watching Dexter before she moves. We started watching the show quite awhile ago and have yet to finish it. It's been slow going for awhile now. And that didn't change tonight because we never got around to watching the show. I would say due to not hanging out in so long we ended up talking for the entire five hours I was at her house. Her boyfriend showed up for the last hour or two and we spent the last however long talking about video games. I very rarely get to have conversations with people outside of my family so it is nice when the opportunity presents itself. We did make the rule next time that we have to watch at least one episode next time before we're allowed to talk.

It was late when I got home and it is even later now because I got distracted by more ARK livestreams. I missed it but the guys I watch went back to the one base from yesterday where they knock people out and drag them back and mess with them. Yesterday they tried to do that to one of the guys but the main guy I watch came with a pterodactyl and another guy came on a raptor and they killed all of them multiple times. It sounded like today they went back and not only killed the guys but they also destroyed their base. I'll need to watch the recording tomorrow because it sounds like it was pretty entertaining. And you've gotta be a bit of an asshole to make your whole goal in a game to trick people and trap them in your base, so they deserved whatever happened to them.

Tomorrow, I need to work on my website, read some textbooks, and maybe start on my reflective journal. We need to be doing that every week apparently and I just found the assignment instructions today, and this is week four, so I'm a little behind. I would like to not save it until the last minute. But I know myself so I won't be holding my breath.

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