Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014

Yesterday I also finished editing my journal from 2005. Near the end of that year my entries became more sporadic and the next several years are pretty slim. Not good in terms of documenting my boring life but it will make editing those years go a bit faster. It looks like I start getting back into it during October of 2009. And then it is every single day (minus a day or two maybe, I can't remember) up to the present. So that is going to take awhile. I need to get into the habit of writing and entry and then editing it immediately after. Based on my formatting so far, between November of 2003 and December of 2005, I wrote 450 single-spaced pages. Not bad.

This morning I slept in a little bit and then went to run my errands before work. That was exciting. And then I went to work. I read the latest issue of National Geographic and then continued reading The Fellowship Of The Ring. And that was my workday. I could have gone home an hour early but I wanted to keep reading and I figured I might as well get paid for it. Also, it was raining pretty hard outside and I didn't mind avoiding that for a little while longer.

While I was at work I was fairly certain I was going to spend my night playing BF4 because I haven't played it in awhile and I had an urge. And then I didn't even come close to playing it. I did watch a couple livestreams of people playing the Battlefield: Hardline beta, so I kind of got my fix. It is an limited open beta and I tried signing up for it but nothing came of it. It looks like a slightly not as good version of BF4. I also watched a bunch of game trailers that were released today at E3. Cinematic trailers are always cool but they also ruin games for me because even though I know they won't look anything like the cinematic, I want them to look like the cinematic. The new Fable game looked cool until it started looking like a turn-based game. I'm not a fan of that. The most interesting game I saw, and one I wouldn't mind playing, was Assassin's Creed: Unity. Those are games where I get lost just roaming around the environments looking at stuff. And Unity looked beautiful.

I had a very strong urge to watch a Sci-Fi movie tonight. Instead, I added several to my Netflix list. Couldn't bring myself to click on any of them. I think because it is almost eleven o'clock and I am kind of tired and don't want to commit to a two hour movie. And I felt the same way at ten o'clock. Maybe tomorrow. Now I'm going to watch the first episode of The Writers' Room and then go to bed.

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