Saturday, June 28, 2014

June 27, 2014

It's just past four o'clock in the morning and I didn't really do much today, so let's make this a fairly short entry.

My sister and I didn't get a chance to see my grandma today. My aunt and uncle wanted to tie up some loose ends and then hit the road. My dad was able to have lunch with them but there wasn't any time for my sister and me. That kind of sucked.

With my time before work I didn't really do much. I can't remember anything other than watching YouTube videos. There was probably something else in there but it isn't coming to mind.

At work tonight I finished reading the latest issue of National Geographic. I also read a few short stories and several chapters out of a few different books. The new Transformers movie came out today so I spent some time watching various bits of that. I special effects were very cool and there were some good action scenes, as is to be expected. Mark Wahlberg had some good lines but the best part of the whole movie was Stanley Tucci. His comic relief made the movie for me. At least all the bits that I saw. The daughter and the boyfriend were entirely forgettable and they really had no need to be in the movie. I think it could have been a better movie without them. There is also apparently a fairly creepy side storyline about the daughter only being seventeen and the boyfriend being older but able to hook up with younger girls because he's Irish, or something. Nice.

People showed up to the 11:40PM show but no one came to the midnight. This meant I got to clock out around 3:00AM instead of twenty minutes after that. Still way too late but it could have been worse.

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