Monday, January 4, 2016

January 4, 2016

I'm so tired. I went to bed late last night and wasn't tired enough so I ended up just laying there. I would say a generous estimate would be four hours of sleep last night. It was probably closer to three. But I still got up at six o'clock and ran on the elliptical. Like a boss. Or an idiot.

It was good being back at work. I would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't so tired. The main bonus was that it seemed most of the kids were also tired so they weren't too crazy. This morning I helped with literacy centers in both kindergarten classes. I also sent out a bunch of emails, including one to the teachers letting them know about my word searches, and one to the sixth grade teachers so they can send a letter home and we can start getting pictures in for the end of the year slideshow.

Starting in the morning and finishing in the afternoon, I created testing sessions for MAP. I still need to go back and tweak things when accommodations are figured out, but I painted in broad strokes to make things easier when the testing window draws nearer.

By the end of the day I had run out of things to do and started messing with ideas for the end of the year slideshow. I want to do something different with the background. The last two years I've done wood and I want to change it up. I'm thinking blackboard (or greenboard) with the names written in a chalk-like font on each slide. I've got quite awhile to figure it all out.

I “fixed” an iPad today by charging it. I enjoy the simple fixes. I joked with the teacher beforehand about charging it and she said it wouldn't charge. At the end of the day when I took it back to her, after charging it, I joked again and asked her if she made sure the charger was plugged into the wall.

After work my mom had a new dining room table and chairs as well as a new buffet/entertainment cabinet delivered to the house. Thankfully it didn't involve any heavy lifting on my part, other than moving the TV. Everything looks really nice and goes better with the rest of the house.

Tonight I played a little Tera and watched some videos. Now I might watch a livestream for a bit before going to bed. Along with a headache, I've also got a sore throat. A great way to end my first day back with a bunch of sick kids. Tomorrow, who knows. Hopefully teachers come up with some stuff for me to do. My friend is interested in learning more about celestial navigation so I also plan on researching books about that. And probably messing more with the slideshow to keep me awake if I can't find anything else to do.

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