Tuesday, March 28, 2017

March 28, 2017

I'm going to forget to mention a lot of the things that happened today. Let's just get that out of the way at the start.

Last night as my head hit the pillow a thought came to mind. If I were to wake up blind, how long would it take for me to get help? I live alone and only have a cell phone, so not a home phone that has buttons that I could feel, which would make calling someone almost impossible. I also only know my Mom's home phone number. I don't know anyone's cell phone number. If I'm not scheduled at work I can go days without contact with anyone, including via text. I could use my computer because I don't have any accessibility stuff set up on it. It's kind of an anxiety-inducing thought. I finally decided that I would be able to find paper and a pen, be able to write “HELP” across the paper, and find my way out to the driveway, where I would sit and wait and hope someone saw the sign and decided to help. I might even be able to stumble over to the nursing home or out to the main road. The problem with that is if it didn't work I would have one hell of a time getting back to my house. It's all kind of terrifying to think about.

Moving on.

This morning at work I got to help shift books because there was a discrepancy found in one of the shelves. That being it had too many shelves, five instead of four. This made the distance between the shelves too small. It was fine when small books were on those shelves but a books was discovered this weekend that couldn't even fit on its side, so that's not good. My boss, the head of technical services, and the assistant director took the shelves apart and then I got to participate in some of the shifting. I'm okay not having to do that on a regular basis. I'll stick with weeding. I did like making all the books look nice, evening them out with the edge of the shelf and putting the display books facing out.

My link to log into our website got messed up somehow but after I got it sorted out I was able to log in and edit the class page for today, adding in links to the physical handouts. I still want to go back in and put links for our resources but that will have to wait for another day.

I showed the librarian in charge of adult programs the Excel schedule I made this weekend of the tech classes and she was as excited about how cool it was as I had been. And still am. I saved a copy of it into our programming folder and she was able to add all of her programs into it so we can see the schedule for the whole department all at once. The spreadsheet is getting ever cooler.

I finally finished watching usability videos for the month. I knocked out half of them sometime earlier in the month and then kind of forgot about it until recently. But now I'm done. Until next month.

Near the end of my shift I directed an older patron to a book and then she came back to ask about a couple other books. One couldn't be found through interlibrary loan and she didn't want us to buy it because she needed it soon. I couldn't find the other book as a physical audiobook but I did find it as an electronic audiobook through one of our digital libraries. She seemed interested in that so I walked her through setting up an account (rather than sending her home and wishing her luck), and I showed her how to get to the website from our website. She doesn't need the book right away so she was going to wait to check it out, so the real test will be if she can get it all figured out when she goes back to it.

As I was finishing things up with the patron one of the other librarian's came over when the patron was asking if she could check out at our desk or if she needed to go downstairs. We told her she had to go downstairs because they didn't trust us upstairs. That started all of us riffing on not being allowed to do things at our jobs that are “out of our pay grade.” And then to perfectly end things, as she was walking by the cart of books that needed to be shelved, she picked one up and read the title. “Not Taco Bell Material.” It was pretty great.

When I got home I ate dinner and spent the rest of the night watching YouTube videos, falling down a few rabbit holes, and playing Absolute Drift. I might be losing interest in Absolute Drift but it is a fun casual game and I want to get better at it. I probably won't but we'll see how it goes.

Now I need to record my audio journal so I can go to bed.

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