Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 10, 2014

Today was very boring and this will be a fairly short. I read a little bit while at work today but I spent most of my time knitting. I achieved my goal of adding about a foot to the purple scarf over the past two days at the theater and have just exceeded four and a half feet. So much progress.

When I got home I didn't really do anything with my night, other than eat way too much for dinner. I played Tera and tried out a bit of PvP in an arena for the first time. I have no real interest in that sort of thing, and not just because I'm such a noob. But that certainly didn't help. The lag was awful and most of the time I had no idea what the hell I was supposed to be doing. At one point I got stuck in an airship for awhile, just cruising around the map before I figured out how to get out of the damn thing. The only reason I decided to try it out was the massive amount of experience and gold that you get for winning. Unfortunately, my team lost, so I'll have to try again. I spent the rest of my time completing random quests that offered enough XP for me to level up a couple times.

Tomorrow I don't really have any plans. It is Mothers Day so I'm assuming we'll be doing something for dinner but other than that, who knows. I would like to do something productive but that tends not to be a thing on Sundays. I have a vague feeling that I had an idea of something I wanted to do but at this point I can't remember. Maybe it'll come back to me.

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