Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November 22, 2016

This morning was fairly busy at work. I had planned on working on something, I think, but never made it to whatever it was because it felt like I was playing catch up. There were a lot of emails to respond to, purchase requests to find, and interlibrary loans to search for. There were also phone calls and patrons in person. It made the time go by quickly, so I guess there's that.

A couple girls from the school I worked at came in with their mom to make copies. It took forever for the change machine to take the mom's dollar and at one point she remarked “This change machine is like my kids, it won't eat anything I give it.” I thought that was pretty funny.

My recently former homebound patron (because she moved to a different nursing home) came in today to check out DVDs and return her last round of books that I took her. I didn't see her but the maintenance guy talked to her and he said she went on and on about home much she appreciated the homebound service and how much she liked all the things I picked out for her. That's pretty cool.

I went to lunch early so I could get back in time to set up for the tech class this afternoon. I learned this morning that I would be teaching part of it. Good to know. We ended up having twelve people show up for the class, which isn't a bad turn out considering the limit for the class is fourteen. And the class went well. The tech lady and I went back and forth covering different aspects of Windows 10, and I think that worked better than one of us talking for the first half of the class and then other for the second half. Frequently trading off kept things moving but also provided some downtime where people could throw out questions if they had them. We were able to cover a lot of information and answer a lot of questions, and at least according to the evaluation at the end, the patrons seemed to get a lot out of the class. Success.

When I got home tonight I ate dinner and then packed up my car with things I would need to finally spend the night at my house. I brought pillows, toiletries, clothes, blankets, my laptop, and library books. The shower head my mom ordered also showed up so I grabbed that. I think I have all the tools I will need to install it. I'm not convinced of it's longevity because it feels like plastic covered in plastic chrome, but I am hoping it can be maneuvered high enough so that I don't have to duck down too low to get my head wet.

After I unloaded everything at my house I got my laptop hooked up to the projector. I spent the rest of the night watching YouTube videos, listening to music, and playing Terraria on my wall. I forgot to save the game I started a couple days ago to the cloud so I started another one. Maybe I'll just keep the two saves local to their respective computers.

It is now around midnight and I am going to call it a night. I'm freaking tired. I am currently typing this on the wall, which is pretty cool, but I'm struggling to keep my eyes open, so I'm going to crawl into my new bed and hope it is as comfortable for a full night of sleep as it is for a few minutes of testing it out.

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