Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 8, 2016

 This morning I planned on sleeping in a little bit and then doing some things before work. And then I didn't get out of bed until 10:45AM. It was kind of great but it also would have been nice to do some things before work.

Today at work I switched out my Fall display with my Tidbits display. I like it much better and I've already had one book checked out. In the past week none of my Fall books checked out, so I'm already doing better.

I started weeding today, but only one section of one shelf because my boss wants to check the initial books to make sure I'm on the right track. She checked the first few books but then ran out of time so that will continue tomorrow. As for the weeding, I think it went well. I'm following the numbers and trying to not think too much about it. I do want to read four of the books I weeded, however, so that looks like it's going to be a problem. I'll probably end up checking at least one or two of them out so I can read them before we get rid of them. Also, I decimated our Antarctica section, which I didn't even know we had, and apparently a lot of people don't. Or maybe they're just not interested in it.

Other things were done today but nothing exciting and it feels like I could have been a lot more productive. Oh well.

I need to get better at writing these. I feel like I have fallen off a bit. I'm not losing interest in writing every day but I think I'm getting worse at remembering things and finding the motivation to write about what I do remember. I'll work on it.

Soon I'll be going to bed because tomorrow I open. I'm going to do productive things tomorrow. I'm not sure what that will involve at the moment but it will involve things.

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