Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 7, 2016

 Today kind of got away from me. I started my day working on an outline for one of the upcoming tech classes. That led me to play around with Prezi and Canva to help me brainstorm how I would teach the class. I'm not entirely sure about Prezi yet but I think for Canva I'm just going to follow the video tutorial I made. No sense in reinventing the wheel.

Then the rest of my day was spent creating a sign for my Tidbits display. We actually got rid of four displays today and Tidbits was on the cutting block. I already pulled all the books for it, though, and I really like the idea, so I decided to keep it. My Autumn display hasn't checked out a single book in the past week so I am going to get rid of that one and replace it with Tidbits. Hence the need for the sign.

My first thought was to just put a picture Jack Webb from Dragnet because he famously only wanted the facts, which is what the display is all about. But it was decided that Dragnet was probably too obscure of a reference. Instead, I went with just a bunch of facts all over the sign, each one in a different font. My first several attempts were in Publisher but trying to put text boxes close together, or overlapping, in Publisher is a test of ones sanity. And in the end it looked like crap because the default fonts in Publisher aren't very impressive and I'm not allow to download new ones. I switched to Canva and that ended up looking a lot better. The only annoying thing is that the exported text is slightly blurry, but I think I'm going with it because I wasted way too much time on it already.

After work I went and picked up Chipotle. It didn't go well because I ended up being that person at the register that holds up the entire line. My mom gave me a buy-one-get-one card that she got at school but the girl at the register was going to fast or something and it didn't work. She thought it had but the total was my regular total so I asked and when she double-checked the receipt she was convinced. The real struggle came trying to correct it. She went and talked to her manager and then tried to put the money back on my card but that didn't work. She ended up having to just give me cash back. It was due to her mistake but I felt bad for holding up the line and all the trouble it caused the girl.

Tonight I watched some YouTube videos and played Just Cause 3. Tonight I just went around and liberated bases. For the last two I got in a tank and that made it a lot more fun. I am liking the game more but I still need to get better at the controls. Transitioning from parachuting or grappling or whatever else is still awkward and I feel like I end up just flailing around and mashing buttons. Oh well.

Now I'm going to go to bed. It's late and I like sleep. I don't go into work until noon tomorrow so I'm looking forward to sleeping in, even just a little bit.

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