Friday, August 18, 2017

August 18, 2017

 This morning I slept in, did the usual things, and went to work.

A lot of my day was spent figuring out my tutorial screenshot issue. That issue being the desire to capture the exact same part of our website but with different menus activated and whatever else. I was having trouble getting each screenshot the same size so that as I went through the slides the screenshots wouldn't jump around the page. Today I came up with a solution using two Chrome extensions. The first allows me to take a screenshot of only what is visible inside the browser window, without the bookmark bar and all all that stuff. The second allows me to resize the window to a specific size. This allows me to resize the window so it shows exactly what I want, and then I can save those dimensions and automatically got back to that size if I need to take more screenshots. It makes things much easier than just trying to eyeball things.

Other than that, I answered the phone many times and told people we didn't have eclipse glasses, I finished reading one of the many magazines I still need to get through, and showed our new assistant how to close upstairs. And I think that's pretty much my day. I also did walkthroughs and refilled displays and other random things I'm forgetting.

When I got home, I watched YouTube videos, clicked around the internet, responded to a couple Bumble messages, and then took I took way too long to write this. And now I'm going to record my audio journal and maybe play a game for a little bit. We'll see.

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