Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 8, 2013

More MAP testing. More staring at spreadsheets and playing with numbers. A typical day in the life of me. I can't think of anything too outstanding happening today. At least to me. Last night the police apparently knocked down the door of some of the kids, taking the kids and arresting the parents possibly. And it may have been the same kids or different ones that were picked up at school today by the police. And yesterday a first grader showed up with giant bruises on her leg that she showed her teacher and she was eventually taken by a social worker. And a fifth grader, who has the emotional development and coping skills of a much younger kid, had a meltdown when he couldn't get something at the book fair. So there was a lot of stuff going on but all I did was proctor two tests and then spend a lot of time inputting various scores and percentiles and other things into spreadsheets. I tend to avoid a lot of drama down in the lab. Thankfully.

After work I went to the mall to get my mom a gift card for Mother's Day. I am also looking into crochet flower patterns because I think that would be cool. If I can't figure that out I'll wander around Hobby Lobby until something jumps out at me. From the mall I went to Jimmy John's and Chipotle. I missed a parking spot in front of Jimmy John's because I was laughing at a Mitch Hedberg joke and completely spaced out as I drove by the open spot. It lead to me having to park farther away but walking is good for me, even though it was kind of hot and I don't like being hot. My burrito was decent, the chips with my sister's hummus was better, and the birthday cake for dessert was delicious.

Tonight I watched YouTube videos, clicked around the internet, finished my fourth and final potholder, and considered getting a sewing machine. I have often wanted to get a sewing machine but have never been able to make a commitment. I always manage to talk myself out of it. Or read enough negative reviews of the machine I am considering and lose the nerve to buy it. It seems like summer would be a good time to take up sewing but I also want to finish my woodworking projects, get back into learning the piano, play a whole bunch of video games, take up a new hobby, and other things. Sewing could be that new hobby but I don't know. I'll keep my eye on the sewing machine I am currently interested in.

Now I am going to go to bed because I am tired. Exhausted really. Not so much in body but definitely in mind. And a little bit in the head region beyond the mind.

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