Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13, 2013

Testing is over for the year and we are finally back to a normal lab schedule. It's not really a normal school schedule because there are still field trips and lots of assemblies, but it is as normal as it is going to get. And there is no more testing. Did I mention that? I think the teachers and myself are more excited about this fact than the kids.

This morning I read with kindergarteners and then took a few pictures for the yearbook. I am getting pictures of people who weren't here for actual yearbook pictures. I managed to get three today and that leaves me with a handful to get tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow. The goal is to have it all done by Wednesday and then compile what I have with what the parent has that I am working with. Then she can drop it at the printers on Thursday, a day early, just in case there is something we need to change. I will be happy when it is done because it is kind of stressful, even though I am only responsible for the class pages.

I continued working on my spreadsheets and note card labels. My spreadsheets have all the scores entered I just need to get the averages sorted out. For the note card labels, I have to finish the percentiles for one more class and then do the DIBELS scores for fourth and fifth grade. So I'm getting there.

I took a break from that to recreate a survey for one of the resource teachers. She had a hardcopy of a sample and she wanted that, minus the part where it said “Sample”, and she wanted one of the questions removed. I asked her if instead of removing one of the questions I could just put in my own. We thought it would be funny to see if the principal would catch it. So I typed up the real one and then I added in a question along the lines of “The school should allow the computer aide to be acting principal once a week.” The resource teacher wasn't in her room when I went to give it to her so I made sure to put a pink sticky note on the fake one, saying that it wasn't real and pointing to the fake question. So hopefully that doesn't get screwed up. The principal will appreciate the joke but probably not so much if the fake survey actually went out.

After school I took a nap, eventually had dinner, and then spent my night watching YouTube videos and working on my signature. One of my summer goals is to improve my handwriting and I figured I should start with my signature. I filled a few sheets of paper writing my first name over and over, and then trying to figure out a new capital 'R'. I think I have my first name figured out. I am going with bigger loops because currently I have gotten stuck with a very thin and sad looking letter. I am also turning the bottom loop into a line under the rest of my first name. I think it looks good. Much better than what I have been writing.

When I tired of that, I caught up on my recordings. I made one for Friday through Sunday and then made one for today. It is so easy to miss one day and then miss a bunch. The same holds true for journal writing. I need to get better at that. Not the journal writing. I still do that every day. But the recording.

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