Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26, 2013

Today. A whole lot of nothing. My major accomplishment for the day was watching the new season of Arrested Development. I need to watch it again. The plot for each episode, and the entire season, is interwoven like the threads of a blanket. I am hoping it is only a matter of time before someone makes a graph or infographic showing how each character's storylines cross paths. It was incredibly complex. But I liked it. I don't think I'll be able to say whether it was better or worse than the old seasons but I did enjoy it.

My other accomplishment for the day was making the oyster cracker snack recipe from the cookbook I got from a kindergartener a week or so ago. It mostly consists of ranch dressing mix along with lemon pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and dill weed. Then you put it in a bag with the crackers and some oil and mix it all together and let it sit for awhile. It is pretty good stuff. The hardest part was halving the recipe because two bags of oyster crackers would have been too much. Halving the ranch mix was kind of a pain because it has the same sort of consistency as flour. I didn't really have any way to measure it so I found a old pill bottle (because that was the smallest thing I could think of) and eventually got all the mix into it. Then I used a ruler to measure how much there was (15/8ths) and made a mark at the halfway point (15/16ths). Trying to pour out exactly half was a pain but I got close enough and it ended up working out.

Now I am watching Cabin Fever 2. The original may be my favorite horror movie of all time. It was so ridiculous. The second one has some good music and it is also pretty ridiculous. It has a bit of comedy but could use more, and it wasn't nearly as well acted as the first movie. Still decent for a straight-to-DVD movie. But it also kept going long after it should have been over. I did like the use of animation to progress the story at the beginning and end of the movie though.

I have no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow. Hopefully something a little productive. I might play at little FIFA 13, which I got today for eight dollars, 80% off. I also think we are having a family dinner for Memorial Day. But other than that I would actually like to do something with my day. I probably won't. But I'm going to at least think about it.

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