Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20, 2014

Yeah, so nothing productive today. Not in terms of life anyway. I went against all of what I said yesterday and started playing an MMO today. I googled some free MMOs and vaguely remembered hearing about Tera. It started out as not free and then I guess it didn't do terribly well so now it is free. And because I know myself and my attention span, free-to-play games are actually free for me because I never put actual money into them. I know that as soon as I dropped some cash I would lose interest. For awhile I got somewhat into Blacklight: Retribution and could have spent money on decent guns or accessories for guns but I lost interest fairly quickly and do not regret not spending money. The same will go for Tera.

Speaking of the game, though, I like it. I have never played a real MMORPG but it is pretty much what I expected. WoW always looked a bit overwhelming, and cost money, but Tera has not been overwhelming in the least. I also really like the art style and the graphics look really good. I created a couple characters just to see what the customization was like but the character I actually started playing with is an archer, because I like to keep my distance.

What I like to do in any game is collect stuff, any and all stuff. This game has limited inventory space so that is unfortunate. And I can't cheat like I did in Skyrim and give myself a whole bunch of space. I think it would be cool to just go around gathering flowers and mining oars but there doesn't seem to be that much of either in the game. There also doesn't seem to be an option to get a house or apartment, which is unfortunate. Although if that was an option it would probably cost more than I would ever have so maybe it is for the best. Ideally, I would want a game where I could go questing if I wanted to but I would be able to spend most of my time out collecting and mining stuff and also have the ability to build a house. That game probably exists. I've seen some videos of Everquest Landmark, and it appears to have a lot of that, but the ability to build so many different things seems a bit overwhelming.

All day I have been doing the 24-hour collection thing for my kidney stone. Not very exciting. I had wondered about mailing a giant jug back to the lab but it turns out you have to collect for 24-hours but then you only send back a relatively small sample. That makes sense I guess but it is kind of annoying having to collect all day.

I finished watching Sword Art Online and I really enjoyed it. I liked how they ended one game but started another. I could have used more humor but the thing I actually didn't like was the Japanese insistence of always have a sibling or family incestuous thing going on. Often times you find out they aren't really related, but not all the time. Culturally speaking, I would like to know what is up with that. It seems very prevalent. But other than that, I enjoyed the show and would probably watch it again at some point.

For Easter dinner, we had KFC. I had a fake hamburger with KFC sides, plus potato salad my sister made and deviled eggs that my mom made. While we ate dinner we watched The Way, Way Back, which is a movie I have wanted to see for awhile now but never got around to it. And that is a shame because it was a very good movie. I wasn't very into the storyline involving the mom and boyfriend but I found the water park stuff very entertaining. I want a sequel that is just Sam Rockwell and the water park. His character made the movie for me. Fast talking smartasses for the win.

Now it is nearly 10:30PM and it will be past that by the time I make it to bed. And I have been tired for over an hour now so I am going to start wrapping things up and head to bed. I'm going to go move some laundry and call it a night.

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