Another two assessments are in the bag without a hitch. Made for
another uneventful day. I would go into details about each test but
it really was just the same as all the other tests that have worked.
And I'm tired and want to go to bed.
Both tests were this morning and I spent the rest of my day editing
new sixth grade pictures that I got today. One of them is a baby
picture with the kid on her stomach and her unfocused butt in the
background. It makes for a cute baby picture I guess but I wasn't
thinking it was very appropriate for a slideshow being shown to the
entire school. I also didn't think the girl would appreciate it. I
also checked with my mom and one of the kindergarten teachers to see
if maybe I was missing something but they both had the same feelings.
I went ahead and edited the original and when I was laying out the
slide I put another picture on top to cover up the butt. I also made
another version where I cropped out her butt, which I might end up
using instead. No offense to her parents but I'm trying to keep the
best interests of their daughter in mind.
The last class of the day in the lab was second grade, the same one
who I help with reading groups. It was a mild nightmare. The
teacher had to leave early to go get a root canal, I was not envious.
Then the para had to go up to the SPED room with one of the kids to
check in. As soon as she left the lab, the kids went nuts. Most of
them stayed on task but there were a handful that I wanted to just
disappear. I almost sent one to the office because she just wouldn't
listen. I would tell her to sit down and type and she would talk
back and as soon as I turned around she would be up again. And at
least seven or eight of them all of a sudden had to go to the
bathroom. There are usually two or three kids throughout the time
they're in the lab and today it was a group all at once. It was all
super frustrating. They were worse than kindergarteners, and I had
just had two kindergarten classes in the lab so I had a fresh memory
on how kindergarteners act in the lab. They can also be annoying but
they definitely listen better than this second grade class. I would
say it was probably the loudest and worst behaved class that I have
had in the lab, which is also saying something. I was very close to
having them all log off so I could take them back to the room and
have them write apology notes to their teacher for acting so poorly
when she wasn't their. Luckily for them, and for me, the para came
back and they immediately quieted back down. Which was also
frustrating. I need to work on my authoritativeness.
I stopped to get gas on my way home and found a pump that I will be
avoiding in the future. It would only run for a second or two before
shutting off so I had to keep pulling the handle down. I always get
gas when I have about a quarter of a tank or a little more left but I
don't pay much attention to how many gallons that really is. So I
had no idea when I should stop pulling the handle. Just to be safe I
stopped at $20, which is less than I normally pay and got me to about
three-quarters of a tank. That is fine with me.
When I got home I called to get the collection jug delivered for the
24-hour collection for my urologist. I was on hold for twenty
minutes (a literal twenty minutes) and then talked to the guy, giving
him my information, for less than two minutes. Fantastic.
Tonight I did nothing. I talk to my mom for a bit after dinner about
life and my future but that was about it. The rest of the night was
spent watching YouTube videos and starting to knit the scarf I want
to make for the retiring first grade teacher. After trying the
pattern on some test yarn I made it about an inch into the actual
scarf. I'm going to have to buckle down on it if I actually want to
finish because it is another slow-going pattern and it requires small
needles which makes it go even slower. We'll see if I still like the
look of the pattern when I get further into it. I also kind of want
to make a waffle stitch scarf, which would also go a lot faster.
We'll see.
It is almost nine o'clock but I'm going to try and go to bed. I
think I'm getting a cold because I kind of feel like crap. But I
also haven't gotten the best sleep the last two night. I randomly
woke up around two o'clock last night and couldn't get back to sleep
until sometime after four o'clock. I am hoping it is poor sleep
making me feel this way and not a cold. Now is not a good time for a
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