Saturday, January 18, 2014

January 17, 2014

Today was a fairly laid back day at work. There was one MAP test this morning, shortly followed by a kid coming to finish a test he started yesterday. The kid got lucky, only in the sense that he got to finish his test, because I was actually going to help out with second grade reading groups but they were still out at recess when I went down to the room. I was just about to leave the lab again when the teacher came down with the kid to take the test. Kinda sucked. This kid scores well on the tests but he is very slow at doing it. It is the same way with his brothers. I spent the whole time drawing. Or attempting to draw. I lack any innate talent and I don't practice enough to earn a little talent.

I didn't have either fifth grade class at their normally scheduled time because they were on a field trip, and that left me with only one class in the afternoon. I took the time to cut some stuff out for one of the second grade teachers, and take another crack at getting the student pictures into the librarian's database so the pictures show up when a kid's library card is scanned. We tried it last week I think but were unsuccessful because I didn't know the formatting. The librarian figured out today that she needed a different CD but the secretary misplaced it. Or the cook took it to the central kitchen and they misplaced it. I'm just glad I have copies of the pictures in a couple different places because our yearbook would be screwed if I relied on the safety of that CD.

Anyway, the librarian found one from last year and figured we could just put the pictures on from last year so at least some of the kids would have an almost updated picture. After installing the software I noticed that it was the same software that I had installed months ago to make class rosters for subs and different resource teachers. But I'm fairly certain it was wiped from my computer after one of the random reformats. I started to go through and pick out the kids from the old pictures who I knew were still in school, but then I decided to try and make a new database from the new pictures I had saved on the faculty drive. It took me a couple of attempts but I got them imported eventually, and then exported them based on the instructions that the librarian had. After all of that, all it did was create a zipped folder with all the student pictures in it, and they had been renamed to their student number. All that work for that. I already had a folder with the student pictures named with their student numbers. Had I known that we were going to go through all of those steps just for that, I could have saved us a lot of time and stress on the part of the librarian. That was kind of annoying. But what's done is done and we were able to upload the pictures into her database without a problem, and now when a kid's card is scanned their newest pictures shows up. Hooray.

I spent the rest of my afternoon working on storybooks. I think I got one and a half or two and a half pages done. Not bad.

After work and did the same old thing and then headed to work at the theater. When I got upstairs there was a girl already here and I would like to say she looked familiar because she has apparently been working here for awhile and is going to be the newest manager, but I'm pretty sure I've never seen her. Or at least never noticed her. I could say that about almost everyone who works here now. I see them every week but I couldn't pick any of them out of a line up. But this girl is going to be a manager so she needs to be trained in projection. I find this somewhat beneficial but really you just have to work up here a bunch to learn how to do stuff. I walked her through everything but I know when I was first trained I didn't really retain anything that I was told. I learned how to do stuff when something would go wrong and it had to be fixed. Thankfully, almost all the little things did go wrong tonight, so that sped up the learning process a little. Curtains didn't open, cues were missing, movies didn't start, 3D lenses fell halfway down in front of the regular lenses or stayed down during a 2D movie, and maybe a few other things that I probably forgot. It was all stuff that I would have caught and no one would have known about had I been up here by myself but I wasn't so my schedule was thrown off a bit. This was kind of the perfect scenario for a training night though because she got to see the various things that can and do happen on a weekly basis.

As for the non-working part of the night, I had a good conversation with the girl about John Green and The Fault In Our Stars because she started reading it tonight, and that transitioned into a discussion of other books and movies. Then I spent the rest of my night reading books and playing a little Animal Crossing. Until the midnights started. I was struggling to keep my eyes open most of the night and by one o'clock I gave up and watched Ride Along. I missed the first five or ten minutes but caught the rest and I would say I enjoyed it. I would like to see it with a larger audience because the midnight group was pretty sparse and they weren't laughing as much as they should have been. It was a very predictable, paint-by-numbers kind of movie, but Kevin Hart is funny and I liked the jokes. Also, I now have a crush on the actress who plays the girlfriend/sister.

I have been up for twenty-one hours now and at work for over sixteen hours of that. So it's time for bed. Way past time for bed actually.

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