Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19, 2013

I was on a roll with the storybooks today and really thought I was going to finish the one I've been working on because it was pretty much full color pages so I didn't have much to edit, but then they threw in some pages with a bunch of white so I got held up erasing stuff. Fingers crossed for finishing it tomorrow. Although I got a bunch of stuff from one of the second grade teachers to copy/laminate/cut so I might start on that.

Other than the storybook, I did other things with my day. Microsoft Word on one of the computers in the lab disappeared so I tracked that down in the Program Files and added it back in. I re-downloaded SmartBoard software on one of the SPED computers. Second grade reading groups actually went pretty well. There wasn't a parent or a para to help out today so I ended up with a group of eight and a group of six, but the stars aligned and for the most part they were all well behaved. I scanned stuff for one of the resource teachers. And I feel like there were other things that are escaping me.

On my way home I stopped at Target to buy food. And tonight I made some of that food. Well, just broccoli because I am still working on the leftover pasta from Sunday. It may just be because it has been awhile since I've made pasta, but it tastes really good. Better than I remember it tasting.

Tonight I watched YouTube videos and knitted a bit more on my third owl hat. Not a very exciting evening. Then again, they rarely are.

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