Monday, July 25, 2016

July 24, 2016

 Today was a productive day at work but not so much before or after work.

I woke up early and stayed in bed until I needed to get up and take a shower. I had grand plans to get some work done this morning but I just needed a few hours. It is much easier to not feel guilty about not doing work if I haven't gotten out of bed yet.

At work today I finished and edited both of my round table blog entries. I also had time to start messing around with the gaming website I am making with my roommate. It is my first time using Wix so most of the time was spent just trying to figure it out. By the end of the day I was able to add a few pictures and a bit of content, so progress was made. It isn't due until Sunday but it would be nice to get it done before that.

I also did work things at work. I made another personalized reading list for a patron who likes fantasy, romantic suspense, Twilight, and 50 Shades of Grey. I don't read any of that stuff so it took a bit of time to find books that seemed to tick the boxes. I don't really have any interest in romantic novels but I am really tempted to read an Amish romance novel, just out of curiosity.

Tonight I did laundry and nearly forgot to post my blog entries. I knew they were due today but it just didn't feel like a Sunday tonight. Thankfully I remembered shortly after ten o'clock and got them posted. I also started my website portfolio for my capstone, which is due next Sunday, along with the gaming website for my conference class. There is a bit of a learning curve with the creator we're using for the capstone site but it is much easier than Wix. Tonight I messed with the formatting, adding a background and header image, and pasted in my introduction, which was just the reflection we wrote at the beginning of the semester. Baby steps.

And now I am going to go to bed because it is after one o'clock in the morning and I would like to actually get up and get some work done in the morning before I have to go to work. Sure I do. I keep getting distracted tonight. I looked at DIY bed frames, tiny houses, longboarding videos and longboards, washers and dryers, and I just had an idea for my capstone site so I spent the last fifteen or twenty minutes editing the dwarf librarian drawing. I think I want to put it in the bottom corner of my page. I'll have to edit some of the CSS to get it in there along with the background I want, but I can mess with that in the morning, maybe. Now It's bedtime. No more distractions.

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