Saturday, November 29, 2014

November 28, 2014

Today was one of those exciting days. I slept in and then spent the next several hours reading a textbook and taking notes on potential topics for my last reflective journal entry. I still haven't started writing though. I took a break for lunch and had Thanksgiving leftovers. I took another break to set up the new TV my mom got for her bedroom. She's been using a small old one and had mentioned wanting to get a bigger one. I've also been looking at TVs so I was going to show her those. I put my 24” monitor in her room just to see what it looked like, and it looked tiny, so I was going to recommend at least a 32” TV. But before I could tell her this she came home with a 32” TV she got on sale at Target today. I was still debating on the size I wanted for my room so after putting hers together I took it down to my room to see what it would look like. I decided that a 32” would be plenty big enough. I was leaning that way but the 40” was also tempting. I also put the TV on the mantel above the fireplace downstairs to get an idea for a TV there and we both decided that we'd need at least a 40” up there so it didn't look tiny.

After all of that I ended up heading over to the old house so I could buy my TV. It will be here sometime next week. Tuesday, I think. I'm kind of excited about it. Until we get the internet at the new house I'll still have my 24” monitor in my room so I can have my laptop hooked up to either that or the new TV and watch TV on the other one.

Tonight for dinner I had the second half of my Chipotle burrito, rather than Thanksgiving leftovers, just so I wouldn't have to worry about it later. Then I went to work, where I split my time between cleaning theaters and reading a textbook. I'm still not sure how I want to start my reflective journal entry. There are so many things to talk about. I'm leaning toward starting with net neutrality. That is a topic that I could probably right the entire entry over but I'd like to squeeze in some other stuff as well. I'll figure it out. I still have more to read but tomorrow I need to actually start writing. I want to be done this weekend so I have enough time to go back and edit. I will also have the final reading and discussion post to do for my other class so it would be nice not to have too much work to do on my reflective journal. I also hope that in the editing process I don't come across something completely awful that doesn't make any sense. Thankfully, most of my entries are pushing the upper limit of 1000 words so I have some wiggle room if I need to cut something out. Although this could also be a bad thing if I find something that I need to expand on a little more. I'll find out later in the week.

I ended my night by playing Minecraft because my brain was a little fried and I needed a break. We didn't have any late shows tonight so I got off a little after 1:30AM. Late, of course, but it could have been worse.

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