Sunday, April 22, 2018

April 21, 2018

This morning I woke up, read in bed for about an hour, and then made Bisquick pancakes. I still have an issue with the temperature when making pancakes, so they weren't pretty, but they tasted delicious. Bisquick knows what they're doing. Tomorrow I might make biscuits.

I watched videos while eating my pancakes and then played CoD: WW2 for awhile. And after lunch I jumped into Elite Dangerous for the first time in awhile. I started with one of the tutorials just so I could fly around and relearn the controls. I didn't want to go right to my ship and hit the wrong button and accidentally fly into a sun or something. It didn't take too long for a little muscle memory to kick in and I was able to go back to my ship and continue exploring and scanning planets. I was tempted to switch to VR, because the game is a lot more fun in VR, but I'm following a route and, as far as I know, there still isn't a very good way of accessing the route list in the game. When I did it before I would have to constantly peek out from under the headset to look at my second monitor so I knew where to go next. It's also hard to type in the next location using the keyboard while wearing the headset. There is a program I played around with that let you have an overlay but my first impression wasn't great. I was trying to use it for video, but maybe I'll have better luck with a browser window with just text.

I played CoD: WW2 for a little bit before dinner, and then I made dinner. My first Hello Fresh meal was vegetable quesadillas and they turned out pretty well. My house still smells really good. The only thing I didn't really like was the salad because the main ingredient was arugula. Turns out arugula is gross. It looks like a weed and can only imagine it tastes like one as well. It's really bitter and doesn't seem like something people should be eating. I added in some of the roasted vegetables, mozzarella, and the pico de gallo I made but that only made it barely edible. Speaking of, I ate pico de gallo. Several years ago my friend's mom made some and it was actually really good, despite the fact that I don't like fresh tomatoes. I hadn't had it again until tonight. And it actually wasn't bad. I cut the tomato like a bell pepper, cutting out everything on the inside and only leaving the outside. After mixing all the ingredients together I wasn't getting the fresh tomato taste that I don't like. It was also a smaller tomato, and I've heard the different sizes have different tastes, so maybe that was part of it. But who knows. I might have to experiment more in the future.

After dinner I took a shower and then played a little more CoD: WW2. I recently passed the 300 hour mark and I'm close to passing my time in Terraria. But I've spent a lot of time AFK in Terraria, farming special event drops, so in actual playtime I've probably easily passed Terraria. There isn't an actual count for playtime in Minecraft, which is unfortunate but also probably a good thing, but it is easily in first place. I think saying I've put hundreds of hours into Minecraft would be an understatement.

While I ate dinner I started watching Toonstone, an animated movie by the Neebs Gaming guys, and after playing CoD: WW2 I finished watching it. It is really good, and I'm not surprised by that because I like all the other stuff they do. I'm going to have to watch it again at some point. But not tonight because it is late and I should have gone to bed a long time ago.

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