Thursday, April 19, 2018

April 18, 2018

This morning I opted to sleep an extra half an hour (bringing me up to six and a half) instead of running on the elliptical. My knees are still feeling a little iffy and I don't want to push it.

When I got to work I did the usual opening stuff. And then I was off desk for two hours. I ended up getting completely sidetracked and didn't get to work on the non-fiction handout, which was the only thing I planned on doing this morning. Instead, I made more end-cap signs for the shelves. There has been a pause in shifting so I decided to make new signs for the shelves that weren't quite filled, instead of waiting for them to be filled, because patrons keep getting confused.

I also made a new version of the button template. This one is just a single button and then it can be printed multiple times on a single page. Rather than trying to recreate the same button over and over, you just have to make it once. Simple.

Before lunch I had a walkthrough. Most of it was spent pulling several books off of my bestseller display and adding about twenty-five new ones. I want to do the same with the parent cart but we'll see when I can get to that. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not.

After lunch we went and delivered homebound books. Our first stop was actually to pick up a newspaper that a few vocal patrons have been bugging us about for a little while now. There was a probably with our subscription so we haven't gotten it in a month or two. We have been trying to sort it out with our rep but the patrons continually bug the people in circulation about it. Last week the librarian in charge of periodicals discovered that we can actually buy the newspaper for a dollar from a place a few blocks away. These patrons have been giving us grief for weeks, all the while probably driving past the very place where they could buy their very own copy of the paper. People are interesting.

I finally got to deliver books to my patron who gets sixteen large print non-fiction books each month. She has spent the last month in a rehab facility and just got home today. I met her son and his wife and daughter, who were all very nice, and she looked like she was doing pretty well. One of my other patrons hurt her back and hip recently, so I'm hoping she'll recover quickly because she looked like she was in a decent amount of pain. The rest of the deliveries were uneventful, and then we stopped at the grocery store to pick up cookies and candy for library things coming up.

When we got back to the library we got our books processed and then I returned the van keys and the large print books that we swapped out at one of the nursing homes, to the basement before heading up to the cubicle for about twenty minutes.

And then I was on desk for the last hour of work. I helped a patron on the computer, signed the teen librarian up for a state library card so she could get access to their audiobooks, and got a start on updating my homebound spreadsheets with bookmark comments.

I picked up Chipotle and made a brief stop at my house before heading to my Mom's house for dinner. We watched a lot of videos and talked for quite awhile about all the random things. On the way home I stopped at the grocery store. I only needed a few things so it was a pretty quick trip. And there weren't too many people, which is always appreciated.

When I got home I put my groceries away and then spent the rest of the night watching YouTube videos and clicking around the internet. I managed to catch up with videos from yesterday but didn't touch the ones from today. I need to take a step back from YouTube videos. I keep saying that but haven't done anything about it yet. It's such a waste of time. I need a break.

Tomorrow I close, which is good because it is after midnight and I'm not in bed yet. But I'm going to fix that shortly.

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