Friday, February 17, 2017

February 16, 2017

 Today was an interesting day. Waking up kind of sucked but it usually does, so that was no surprise. Then I got ready, made lunch, ate breakfast, and went to work at 10:30AM.

I was on the desk for two hours starting at 11:00AM. That gave me time to finish my homebound stuff, update class stuff, help patrons, and probably some other things I can't remember. During this time my boss discovered that I had actually worked forty-one hours last week instead of forty, which I think meant I needed to lose an hour and a half this week, because it is time and a half. It needed to be done today because I'm off tomorrow. We threw around a couple different ideas but ended up settling on skipping lunch and getting off at 3:30PM. So I already went in an hour and a half late because I'm working the weekend, and then I left two and a half hours early. It was strange.

I also managed to send my email to the IT people regarding my meeting with the Children's department. I didn't hear anything back from them but my fingers are crossed for next week. It's kind of ridiculous that we could have cleared everything up in less than an hour but this has been drawn out for several weeks at this point.

When I got off the desk I spent the rest of my day, in between walkthroughs, upstairs working on class stuff. I watched one video, took notes, and wrote the discussion post for that video. I also started watching and taking notes on a second video. I came very close to finishing it so it was kind of annoying that I had to leave. I am hoping that it is not an exciting weekend at the library because I still need to do quite a bit for the first week.

When I got home I did nothing with the rest of my day. I watched YouTube videos, eventually ate dinner, and played video games. I started playing The Witness and found it both frustrating and addictive. After opening the door to get out of the first area I kind of wandered off and got into things that were way over my head, and probably spent most of my time trying to figure out how to get back to the beginning. I feel like I am missing the logic behind a lot of the puzzles and I end up solving them accidentally with no real idea of why the solution works. And often times even when I think I understand what is going on, I'm pretty sure I don't. I think I would enjoy myself more if I had a better understanding for some of the puzzle mechanics. I will say that the game's visuals live up to my expectations. It kind of reminds me of a more fantastical Firewatch. When I was lost it was still fun just wandering around and looking at things.

It is now after midnight and I am going to record my audio journal so I can go to bed. Tomorrow I am going to do laundry because my next day off isn't until Wednesday. I could have survived until Monday but not Wednesday. I also kind of want to make a grocery list of recipes for the food processor and break that thing in. We'll see.

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