Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30, 2015

 Best laid plans. Today was a little rough. I woke up at seven o'clock this morning which is unacceptable for a snow day. I also didn't get to bed until around two o'clock and I knew five hours would catch up with me and just be an excuse to take a nap and avoid work. Turns out I didn't really need that excuse.

I laid in bed until I fell asleep again and ended up not getting out of bed until ten o'clock. I spent some time working on my collection assessment but didn't make much progress. I'm still hung up on picking a library. It would have been nice if we had been give a list of libraries to pick from. Or even a fictional library. I am overwhelmed by choice. I looked at a couple different libraries and came up with a list of possible cost cutting measures based on the notes I took during the last class weekend. I could probably use some more of those. Then I just need to pick a library and personalize those cost cutting measures to the library (somehow) and throw in references to the textbooks and articles we've read. Piece of cake, right? It's going to be a long week.

I emailed my adviser today to check on the whole graduation thing. I plan on graduating in August but there isn't a ceremony in August, only May and December. There are also cutoffs for when you have to fill out an intent to graduate, which is what had me worried. For August graduates the due date is March, no problem there. For May graduates the due date was November 1st. I missed that a little bit but didn't realize at the time that there wasn't a ceremony in August so I didn't even pay attention to it. So I emailed my adviser to see which due date actually applied to me if I wanted to walk in May and if I missed it if I would have to wait until December to walk. She directed me to a guy who is in charge of graduation stuff and I sent him basically the same email. He got back to me and said that I could use the March deadline and there would be an option when I filled out the intent to indicate I wanted to walk in May. That took a load off my mind. My mom would have been pissed if I couldn't walk in May. It'll be weird walking before I finish school but I think it would be weirder to walk several months after finishing school.

This afternoon I had a haircut, which I thought I might have today and confirmed it this morning by texting the lady who cuts my hair. That kind of through off my plans to work on my school stuff but ultimately that is just another excuse. It was also the first time I've left the house since last Tuesday. Unless you count hanging the Christmas lights on Wednesday. So a little fresh (cold) air and a haircut is pretty good.

I also replied to a couple discussion posts today. So I was slightly productive today. I gave up tonight though. After dinner I became almost immediately lethargic. It's been a struggle just to write this. And it's just now creeping up on nine o'clock. We'll see if I can push it to ten o'clock and then hope for a better tomorrow. Maybe I can get some schoolwork done at work.

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