Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 18, 2015

 Well here we are again with the things that have been forgotten. Last week a second grader got in trouble and had to take a note home to get signed. He didn't bring it back on Monday so he lost his recess. He brought it back today and gave it to the teacher as the class was coming into the lab. She stopped him because she didn't think his mom's handwriting looked like what was on the paper. She explained to him that if he were an adult he could get into serious trouble and even go to jail for writing someone else's name. She said she would be sending the note home again and emailing his mother so she knew it was coming home. Then she showed me the note so I could see it. On the parent signature line he had written “Mom”. That actually happens in real life apparently. And it is great.

I spoke with the librarian this morning and the football banquet went well last night. More importantly, the photo books turned out well, the word posters looked good, and the slideshow worked. And it wasn't obvious that most of it came together at the last minute. Hooray.

Today I had classes and small groups in the lab throughout the day. In my free time I read a long boring article and half of another one. And I feel like there was probably some other stuff mixed in there but that is all that is coming to mind.

Tonight was Chipotle night and after dinner and videos I read through my research paper one last time, made a couple changes, and then submitted it. Good riddance. It didn't turn into the paper I envisioned in my head but it is decent.

I started to read a textbook chapter but I kept nodding off thanks to not getting a lot of sleep the past however many nights. In my defense of not finishing the chapter, it's long, kind of boring, and pretty dense. Not something you can just read through because it's filled with a lot of lists (not in bulleted form but in-line text) and citations and crap that break up the flow of reading. I just can't do it tonight. In general, I'm pretty much over collection development. I get it already. I want to move on. The main thing I have learned from this class is that collection development is not the area of librarianship I want to go into, which is good to know. It might actually be better in practice, but reading about it is too much. And I still have the final project, a collection assessment, to worry about. Ugh.

Now I'm going to bed. Right now I feel like I want to sleep forever but I'll get up when my alarm goes off at six o'clock tomorrow morning. That's the plan anyway.

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