Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 20, 2015

 I briefly jumped into Creativerse this morning to check out the creative mode, which they call creation. Turns out it is more like Minecraft's peaceful mode, rather than creative mode. You still have to collect and craft everything in the game, and it seems like all the mobs are still there, they just don't attack you. Unless you attack them. So it's not really what I was looking for. I would like to just build stuff. Maybe someday.

Today was a lot like yesterday. I had classes and small groups in the lab and I had my small reading group in second grade. And that was about it. In my downtime I read book reviews for my collection development project. I can't remember the totals but I am fairly certain I hit the halfway mark. Only $1300 more to spend.

When I got home from work I managed to finish my weekly assignment for my collection development class. I had one or two searches that were as difficult as some of the ones last night but then it was smooth sailing. I figured I'd only make it through half of what I had left but I managed the whole thing, so that was a nice surprise.

Sometime after dinner I went and picked up my sister and we went to hang out with my grandma because she is in town for a day or two. She went out to dinner with my step-mom and awhile later my brother and dad got home from a fire meeting. I was finally able to give my dad his belated birthday presents, less than two months late. Not bad.

I got home around eleven o'clock and we are now approaching midnight. Tomorrow will probably be a long, tired day. Something to look forward to. I'll end with a few second grader quotes, with the names changed to protect the innocent.

2nd grader talking to the principal in her very staccato/enunciated/robotic voice: I have two things to tell you. I am not a fan of Mrs. So-and-so. And I like your necklace.”

The same second grader came up to me today after another second grader had accident sat at her computer: “He is tampering with my seat.”

The second grade teacher was telling me that one of her kids was pretty smart but didn't have very good social skills. As an example she said the second grader came up to her the other day and said she didn't like one of her classmates. She may have even said it to the other girl's face. The response the teacher wanted to give but couldn't was: “No one likes her, but we can't say that out loud.”

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