Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 6, 2013

I played more Terraria and I had a little more success with Battlefield 4 on the PC today. I turned down the graphics and that seemed to help a little bit but there was still lag and drops in the FPS. I've read where people with incredible setups are experiencing the same type of issues so I know it's not all my computer. Which can run pretty much everything else on top settings. So I don't know that it would be worth it to look into upgrading parts of my computer. I am casually considering a next gen console now. Leaning more toward the PS4 because it is a hundred dollars cheaper and will allow game capture through HDMI, unlike the PS3. I'm not entirely convinced on the purchase yet because gaming on the PC is so much cheaper. Paying sixty bucks for a game on console is ridiculous when you can wait awhile and get it on PC for ten bucks. Or less. But I can see getting a console, maybe splurging a couple times a year on a full-price game, and using the console to watch Blu-Rays or something. I don't know.

I caught up on my DVR today and I started re-watching the beginning of the Yogscast's Minecraft experience. Those videos were one of the major deciding factors in me getting Minecraft. I liked it before they got into the whole Shadow of Israphel thing. It was innovative at the time because they were the first people I was aware of that turned Minecraft into an adventure, but it eventually got pretty convoluted and there were too many breaks in the series so I lost track of what was going on.

After dinner I made enough tortilla chips for the whole week. I was baking enough for three days and then making another batch on Wednesday but it became hard to find the motivation on Wednesday night to make them. Because I'm lazy. I was doing it in smaller batches because I wasn't sure how long they would keep so this will be a little experiment to see if they are still good by Friday. Fingers crossed.

Tonight I wrote my monthly report for my volunteer thing, figured out how I want to design my flower for school, and I went and got popcorn from the theater. I was waiting until after MAP testing to bring it in and several people at school have mentioned it, so I figured tomorrow was as good a time as any. Even if going to retrieve it has kept me up past my bedtime. I did take a late nap this afternoon so that already kind of screwed up my bedtime.

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