Sunday, October 27, 2013

October 27, 2013

I was pretty much just as lazy today as I was the rest of the weekend but I did get some things done. All before nine o'clock because I woke up at eight o'clock for no reason. I finally got around to buying new pants and shoes for work. I don't really know if either will fit but I did go with my current sizes so fingers crossed. I also paid my gas card bill and activated my new credit card. I was getting worried my card wasn't going to show up because my current one expires at the end of the month and we are getting pretty close to the end of the month. With my debit card I think it usually shows up by the beginning of the month, most often before. I guess things work differently with different cards.

I fully exercised for the second day in a row. My stomach still hurts from yesterday. I would like to hope I would be up for three days in a row but I have been notoriously bad so far this year when it comes to listening to my alarm and actually getting out of bed at six o'clock to exercise.

In Minecraft today I expanded my farm and now have eight squares for all of the different fruits, vegetables, and herbs that I have. At least I think so. It wasn't organized very well in the chests. And I think I have all the plants that grow in the ground. I know I'm still missing a few of the trees but I'll worry about that when I get around to setting up an orchard. After the garden I built a path over to the area for my animals and built six pens. I filled the first two with cows and sheep. But then they disappeared. Which was a bummer because I had to entice them to get in their pens and all of that works was for naught. And I had a white sheep and a sheep dyed green with cactus dye, and they made a lime green baby. I decided not to waste my time with other animals until I figure out why the cows and sheep disappeared. I might cheat in some spawn eggs and experiment with those before I go to the effort of getting animals to follow me into the pens legitimately.

Tonight I did laundry and made a bunch of tortilla chips. Wheat, regular, and jalapeno cheddar. Yum.

And that was my lazy Sunday. Now it is almost ten o'clock and I am going to go to bed because I didn't get enough sleep last night and my eyes are drooping. And I'd like to actually exercise in the morning.

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