Wednesday, May 9, 2018

May 9, 2018

I slept well last night. That was a nice change.

When I got to work I had the entire morning off the desk. I spent those four hours up in the cubicle. I read a few news articles, and sent a Thank You email to my department for the birthday recipe, but most of the time was spent working on my yearly evaluation. There aren't a lot of questions but they are involved, wanting me to fill in information for everything I've done in the past year. It's very tedious and a bit of a pain. And I probably only got about halfway done. It is due on Monday, but I'll have to finish it by Sunday because I don't work Monday. I feel like maybe the same thing happened last year and I had to come in on my day off and submit it. I remember that happening with something, but I can't remember if it was the evaluation or something else. Either way, we'll hope it doesn't come to that this year.

After lunch I pulled a bunch of books for my biography display and a bunch of audiobooks for the audiobook display, because they were both looking a little low. Then I went up to the meeting room, where we were having our department meeting, ten minutes early because there wasn't any room at the desk or in the cubicle. I told my boss to pretend I was just punctual. The meeting lasted almost the entire two hours, and it will be the last one like that. Next month the meetings will be cut back to an hour and will also involved the tech center staff, because they are now part of our department.

I was on desk the last hour. I updated my attendance spreadsheet and collected the survey feedback for the class yesterday. I also took down the last Reference sign in the construction area with the help of my boss. It involved screws, but luckily I had a screwdriver on my mini multi-tool. It was a bit of a pain getting it down but we managed it. I also talked to my coworker about random things.

Chipotle night was canceled tonight because my Mom wasn't feeling well. Instead I ate leftovers, watched videos, and played a little CoD: WW2. Every game I got into had a horrible connection, which meant I was able to empty a full clip into people before getting turned on and killed instantly. That takes the fun out of it, so I completed a few contracts and orders and called it a night. I also talked on the phone with my friend, who just recently got back from his final deployment, because he's getting out of the Navy in July, which is pretty exciting.

Tomorrow I close, so I get to sleep in, and I'm looking forward to that.

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