Tuesday, May 15, 2018

May 15, 2018

Today was an interesting day. It started with maybe five and a half hours of sleep. That nap yesterday really screwed me over. And then I woke up several time throughout the night after short naps, which took me forever to fall back to sleep after. Not a great night.

When I got to work I did the usual opening things and then I was on desk for two hours. I caught up on emails, read through my newspaper article one more time before sending it to the tech. services manager for her opinion, filled out my timesheet, and helped several patrons find books. I don't think I've ever walked so many patrons out to the stacks to find books. It felt good. I also sent an email to Alan Lightman at MIT to see if I can get him to autograph a copy of Einstein's Dreams. I don't foresee getting a response but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

After my desk shift I went up to the high school with one of the children's staff members for summer reading outreach. We were there from 11:30AM to 1:00PM, covering their two lunch periods, and I think it went pretty well. It took a bit of work to figure out where we were supposed to set up, but after asking someone in the library, we got it all sorted, and got our table set up. We talked to seventy-one teens, two adults, and gave away a lot of books, candy, and earbuds. And we ended the trip with the children's staff member backing into a curb, which was really jarring, but thankfully we managed to just miss the concrete posts.

I got back from lunch around 2:30PM, caught up on emails, talked to my boss and fellow librarian, and started drawing a bike in Paint. Then I was on desk for an hour. I continued talking to one of the other librarians, got my article back with editing suggestions that got me up to exactly 750 words (previously it was 749), and looked at the news.

I had a walkthrough for the last hour of the day. After which I had to talk to some teens about running in the library, but that went smoothly. Then I finished the drawing of the bike and added it to a post on our staff blog. For several days now there has been an unchained purple bike in the bike rack in the staff only area. It hasn't moved so my boss wanted to know if it belonged to a staff member or if a random patron put it there. She took a picture and was going to use that for a post. I figured if the bike belonged to a staff member, asking about a purple bike would be enough to jog their memory, so using a crude drawing would be fine. We'll see how it goes over. After the post I had a little bit of time to look at the news before the hour struck five.

When I got home I watched a few videos and then had leftover cheeseburger pie for dinner, with strawberry ice cream and peanuts for dessert. And then I played CoD: WW2. It was a mix of a bad connection night along with a night of playing against a bunch of really high max levels. Thankfully they were typical max levels that are only focused on killing, not playing the objective, so my team generally came out on to, usually thanks to me. Not to brag, but when my domination caps are in the double digits and the rest of my team may have two or three at most and they're maybe breaking even on kills and deaths, I'm going to take some credit. I think I'm somewhere in the mid-40s of my ninth prestige, drawing ever closer to level fifty-five and then tenth prestige. And then I just have to get through that one and I'll max out. And then I can move on with my life.

I spent the rest of the night trying to write this while falling down a rabbit whole of music videos on YouTube for cover songs. That is a deep, very distracting hole. And now it's 11:30PM, so I'm going to go read in bed for awhile before going to bed. I close tomorrow and Thursday. I'm looking forward to sleeping in, but it would be nice if I would stop closing on so many Wednesdays because it really messes with Chipotle night.

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