Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17, 2014

The urge to pee continued today and once again came to nothing. I am hoping that the operation left just one decent-sized chunk (which I felt late Friday night, I think). And now it just needs to come out. Sooner rather than later would be great. Yesterday I tried the medication they gave me that was supposed to help with the constant urge to pee feeling but all it did was turn my pee bright orange. It was nice to know the medicine was actually doing something but unfortunately it wasn't anything useful, like taking away my discomfort.

Despite my discomfort and exhaustion, I left the house this morning to drop my car off to get the bumper fixed. Finally. I had kind of gotten used to it, and it really wasn't that noticeable unless you were at the right angle and looking for it. But I want my car to look good again. Originally it was supposed to be done by Wednesday but now it could take until Thursday. Not really a bit deal because I don't have any plans but Wednesday would be nice.

I spent my day catching up on YouTube videos and watching TV. Far from exciting. Some would even say boring. And I might be inclined to agree. I need to do at least one productive thing during Spring Break.

Four minutes after eleven o'clock this evening I passed several chunks of my kidney stone. The biggest piece is about on-par with some of my other ones but not nearly as scary looking. Had they all been in one piece it would probably be a different story. With as much discomfort as this one caused broken up, and then getting an idea of what it could have been, I am starting to think more highly of the lithotripsy operation. It really would have been nice if the stone had been completely pulverized so I wasn't completely miserable the last few days, but I guess it is better than what it could have been. My new hope is that I'm am done with this stone now. There might still be some little pieces that need to come out but it seems like the big bit is over. Hopefully. Now I just need to get over the tickle in my throat.

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