Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 6, 2013

Today I have been overly tired. All day. I even ended up sleeping later without even realizing it. Not to the point of being late, just missed my exercise time, but for the rest of the day I was just exhausted. Almost like I'm getting a cold or something. But hopefully not.

Today I made some progress on storybooks but nothing to brag about. My favorite sub was in second grade again today (she was also the sub for them yesterday afternoon) and I ended up spending an hour and a half in the room during reading groups instead of the normal hour. And instead of having groups the class listened to the story and then filled out their worksheet. After that the sub had all the kids cut out mustaches (the story was The Big Bushy Mustache) and then she took a class picture, with me in the center, I guess because I have an actual mustache, attached to the rest of my facial hair. I remember all the kids having mustaches last year but I never knew what it was for. Mystery solved. The sub and I were going back and forth giving each other crap and at one point one of the mom's that comes in to help asked the sub if she had worked with me before because of all the grief she was giving me. It was kind of funny.

During part of the morning I updated and downloaded apps for the Gifted teacher on both of her iPads. And in the afternoon I dropped the firewall for one of the para's advanced math group so they could continue working on their Million Dollar Project. She was worried that the kids would stumble across something inappropriate because they were logged into the computer under her name. I was more worried about my name being the one used to drop the firewall. But I didn't hear anything bad about it so I think we're safe.

I spent the last hour or hour and a half of the day up with one of the sixth grade classes because the teacher asked if I could help out. He was showing them how to make a flower out of strips of paper and he needed backup. He had me with one group, a para with one group, and a SPED teacher with another group. He showed the class how to make one all the way through, then went step-by-step, and we would separate into our groups after each step, then coming back for the next step. For me and the other two adults, it was the first time making them, so we were in the same boat as the kids. In the end, my flower was a success, and it was pretty fun to make. Although cutting out all the strips of paper would be a pain. I might give it a shot with my trash magazines. As for the kids, most of them got it, or had at least started to get it by the time it was time for school to get out. I was able to help several of them fix mistakes which made me feel pretty good. I was worried I was going to completely screw them up.

At work tonight I played video games. It was the first time I really got to sit down without any distractions (minus my job) and play my 3DS. I did some orange harvesting and shell collecting in Animal Crossing before the shops closed, and then moved onto Pokemon Y. I ended up having quite a bit of fun with that one. It is pretty repetitive but I couldn't stop playing. Right now my first Pokemon, the frog, is my best one and he had already changed form once. I managed to get a Psyduck so I am currently trying to level him up using a tip from the game to lead off with him but then change to my better character as soon as the battle starts. That way he gets points for the battle. I also got something after I started that technique that give all of the Pokemon in my group XP after each battle. That was incredibly helpful because before I just had a bunch of really low level Pokemon. At the moment my greatest frustration is trying to catch Pokemon. I keep making them feint in one shot by accident and don't have a chance to try and catch them.

I ended my night playing Ocarina Of Time and I blew past where I made it on the N64 in the last week or two. It is a lot of fun. The graphics are also a lot better and I think it controls a little better. Except for the ocarina buttons because those really aren't intuitive at all.

The best part of my night was finding out we had a midnight show. At 12:30AM when the wrong movie had started. All night projectors were acting up and basically annoying the crap out of me so this was just the icing on the cake. One of the managers came up to mention the wrong movie playing for the midnight and I told him that the fact we had a midnight was news to me. I can't really get in trouble when that information was never even hinted at. Once again, projectionists being last to know about projectionist things. Makes a whole lot of sense. It was also a special show, played through the box that the preshow plays through, so we had to figure out how to do that again, meaning the movie didn't start until almost 12:45AM. On the plus side, for the one person who came to the show, he got a free ticket.

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