Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 24, 2013

 Nothing much to write about today. Just another Sunday. I played video games, watched YouTube videos, and almost made an attempt to watch DVRed stuff. I could go into detail on any of that stuff but I don't really feel like it. It was a very blah day and I can't bring myself to write about the same old thing.

We're supposed to be getting more snow either tonight or tomorrow night. I'm thinking tomorrow. I'm just hoping it isn't enough to cause another snow day. I'm tired of snow days. The weekends are long enough. State assessments technically start for us this week but no one signed up until next week but I still need to cut out all of the student tickets and organize them. That will involve a lot of cutting. Then I'll have to figure out seating charts so kids with the same test don't sit next to each other. I think the tickets may be arranged in alphabetical order by grade rather than class, which will make it a little more difficult, but I should have plenty of time to figure it out. Fingers crossed. I just want to go back to work, Thanks to parent/teacher conferences and snow days we've had two four-day weekends in a row and I'm kind of tired of being home.

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